Please let the damages against him quadruple...

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We need to check Zincke for rare elements. I've found at least one common element in his name alone. Mining and fracking the rest of him for other elements might prove worthwhile,

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In the abstract, he kinda did. But the evidence came out that he was a shitty husband and not at all spiritual, and anyway you can't set that kind of precedent. You simply should not be able to sue someone over your wife's consensual relationship with someone else (except your wife, for divorce).

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"now that the provision has been breached. . ."

By YOU, Bill-O, it was YOU all the time!

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The Republican Rule-- laws are for those other people.

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May he rot. Eternally.

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Cats are smart!

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Indeed, along with Matt Lauer: So are they all, all honorable men.

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Now that right there was funny. Just sayin'.

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Falafel libelz!!!

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Jeebus H Tits, does this guy carry a grudge or what.He already assaulted the ladies, leveraged them into unworkable legal positions and then proceeded to try to rub it in, in defiance of his own gag order.Now Nimrod A, otherwise known as Bill-O/Oreilly, is attempting to punish them further for not completely submitting to his preposterous wailings.

This is a personality type of some sort, just like Preznident pussy grabber/NDA king that can't help but gloat and ruin his own advantage.I'll call it wanton dipshititness syndrome.

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Awful awful person.

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In front of whom he tried to beat their mother to death.

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Silly, those consequences were for the BITCHES, not him! And just because ANOTHER bitch rules in favor of the bitches, well, that's exactly why we shouldn't let bitches go to law school. They get so uppity.

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And old, falling-apart one.

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