Two dogs, one leash, silly.

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You can't leash Snoopy, that's just wrong...

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The guy was a dick, but this woman reminds me of the gate attendant in "Meet the Parents" who wouldn't let Ben Stiller get on the plane -even though he was the only person in the waiting area - until she called his row. I have used her for years as the perfect example of the functionary who has a teeny, teeny, tiny bit of authority and is By Gawd gonna execute it no matter what!

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Can we save the tasings for the people who deserve them? Y'know, like the people who don't pick up after Fido when he does his business?

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Yeah, and his papers were likely not in order either. He was probably without his walking around permit, that's likely why he ran.

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If being an asshole is a crime worth tasing, then there aren't enough tasers in the world.

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Tazing's pretty mild compared to what you get when you break the leash laws at my fetish club.

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Off the sidewalk, out of mind.

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If a Taser is the least forceful tool they give her, how is using it "excessive"? Getting zapped in the butt seems to be precisely what this douchenozzle had coming.

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Let's hope they don't hand down the excess waterboards.

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Hesterberg's Uncertainty Principle:

A little-known principle of Quantum Mechanics that states that you can know the perp's name or whether he is bluffing about his heart condition, but not both.

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'Bater libel?

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