Check out the Ava Duvernay documentary The Thirteenth, on Netflix. Mind blowing.

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I thought I remembered something in discussions of the TX shitshow which allowed the deputized fucksticks to sue even if the person went out of state. That it was the getting of an abortion at all which was illegal, not just getting it in TX. Or was that an early interpretation of the impact?

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Well this aged like yesterday's sushi.

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I haven't read the decision other than what's here, but it would appear that Judge Pitman's reasoning will make it very hard for the supreme court to rule in favor of texas without looking like, um, well, without it looking like partisanship.

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Most of the anti choice standbys around here look mentally disturbed. Seriously.

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roberts wanted the goodies without losing the court's authority. I guess he loses.

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meanwhile, in Ohio...https://www.statenews.org/g...

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Hmm. Choosing to put oneself between a rock and a hard place of legal integrity and Republican ideology just means those assholes deserve the ensquishening that deservedly comes with that choice…

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Thank you Merrick Garland. It is certain that Bill Barr would not have brought this case against Texas.

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He just shut that thing down. I'm awestruck.

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Conversely, we keep finding out during every Repooplican administration how it takes just one moron and his enablers 5 minutes to undo what it took us decades of hard work to achieve.

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you should go rent a hug somewhere.

or two.

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I feel like there really needs to be good look into sex Ed in this country. Not only do I think it will help prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place, but the education should also include what you described. I was painfully inept on so many things when I got pregnant at 20 that I wished we had a class on that in school.

Obviously it would have been great for my personal knowledge, but I would have hoped it would help those who never had to deal with pregnancy, medical complications, etc a little more insight.

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But when you look at all the rights one side is taking away... We've just got guns. And that really shouldn't be a one sided thing, the majority of Americans want some damn gun control already

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We say abortions are still available to wealthy women, but I'll bet even wealthy women don't like the idea of traveling to somewhere unfamiliar and paying WAY more for something that should be available at any hospital within thier own state.

Where I live in Texas it's closer and possibly faster to drive to Mexico than get to another state. Either way, it's fucking bullshit to force that on anyone for a medical procedure that's nobody else's business.

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I hope he asked for a car made out of tennis balls

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