Not to worry they are already here.

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Are we going to start pulling their gold teeth?

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Those brown people take more out of the system than they put in. The now have drivers licenses they should not have, they do not pay for car insurance, they DRINK, drive, cause accidents, runs OUR insurance up, in my area, they are stealing like mad, because they take more out of our system, not pay their for their Dr. bills, 3 of my Dr.s had to close their practice, so who suffers???

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Kenyan welcome prayer mat


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If Texas gets rid of all its undocumented workers who is going to finish the fence to keep out all the undocumented workers?

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Texas is broke? But I thought all of that lack of regulations was making it rich!

At least that's what wingnuts keep telling me.

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Hmmm, are all those dick states run by Rethuglicans? I wonder...

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Why yes, yes they are.

Maine cracks me up, it really wants to be the crazy red state of New England because apparently New Hampshire hasn't been living up to it. The potato farmers have taken over.

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And the cost of rounding up a quarter of a million people (who are probably not inclined to co-operate) would be how much?

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Free! (once we confiscate all their belongings and assets)

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I object to Nevada being called dicks. Attorney General Adam Laxalt decided on his own accord, without consuting anyone (including our Hispanic governor, who while not exactly happy with Obama's decision felt it wasn't a fight he wanted to get into), to sign our state up for this nonsense.

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On the other hand, Homeland Security runs out of money in 10 days thanks to the same mindset. Way to stand on your head and teabag yourself, geniuses.

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Maine, Wisconsin, Michigan: look at the company you're keeping.

What the fuck is wrong with you?~

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When does Maine file suit against Idaho to protect it's former potato monopoly?

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Maybe Texas should tax it's unregulated industries.

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At least this ruling should prompt Congress to get off its ass and pass its own plan to solve the problem. Now what was their plan again? Oh yeah -- do nothing and complain about how it's President Obama's fault.

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