"And if you can't stick up for these kids when they're out there taking the punches, then what are you even doing on this earth?"

mic drop

I am NOT crying...YOU'RE crying!!!!!!

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Just last week Javey was among us. Hopefully that talented artist is simply taking a restoring holiday from the digital world in order to gratify other desires and pursuits.

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Me? I'm smiling. I have a trans son who has been fighting for the rights of all trans kids and their families for about 25 years now. This makes my heart happy.

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And the reality is that a trans woman would be mortified to have anyone see her penis, assuming she still had one.

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The thing is, puberty blockers merely delay the onset of puberty. They don't change a person's body, merely postpone things until the kid has time to be sure without getting stuck with breasts and periods if they are trans boys or an enlarged penis, a changing voice, big muscles, facial hair, etc. if they are trans girls. And not all trans girls want to be 6'5". If it's a phase the kid might outgrow, it gives them time to do that. No harm, no foul. It's really pretty simple.

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There could be temporary setbacks. There usually are in these progressive movements. That doesn't mean it's just a temporary victory. I will tell you my trans son thought it was the end of the world when Trump was elected. He was devastated, as were his trans friends, but he has never been busier doing workshops, giving trainings, facilitating support groups, etc. all over the country, including rabid red states, since that day. Here's a plug from a very proud mama for his organization: http://genderdiversity.org/...

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You have to phrase things so they mean the same but don't upset the twitter bosses. I've been given time outs twice now, so I am very careful. I think they have a three strikes law these days. I save things like "Eat Shit, Boebert" for wonderful websites like this one.

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This thread is now 20% cooler.

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I would say something snarky because I hate the Yankees, but I do support your right to dress your daughter in clothing supporting your team.

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Really needs therapy. Before the transition she said he hated gays. Now after she says she still likes girls but still hates gays. WTF?

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Fortunately, she was just a little confused and thought he was very confused, and a bit odd.

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Oh, good.

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Ta, Liz.

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Not really. Bodily autonomy quits, like the right to swing a fist, when it violates some other person's well-being. That's public health in a nutshell: for contagious illnesses, the community has the ability to regulate the decisions of individual members, just as the community can regulate their waste disposal, and for the same reason. If one person's freedom to do something endangers the health or life of another person, the community can step in and set boundaries, for the health and well-being of all.

The only way that this works for abortion is if one considers a pre-viability cluster of cells as more human that the blastocyst's host.

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