Since the rapist Julian Assange works for the most powerful evil bastatd, Vladimir Putin, and helped put the other, Donald Trump, into power, taking that evil little twerp out is also pretty fucking important.

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ultimate snark. Love you, Dominic!

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Stroopwafel. I'm not insulting you, I'm merely telling you the name of those heavenly confections. Grew up in Holland, where the food is as weird and wonderful as the Dutch themselves. Frikandels and snert and poffertjes, oh my! Pretty Edam Gouda.

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Now THAT'S customer service!!

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...and Dunning-Kruger claims another victim.

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Well, they didn't do that, so he's a lying sack of shit, also too.

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He is a self-impressed fuckwit.

And he will never fuck you, so stop drooling.

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I love Mojo Nixon! I saw him open for The Cult. He was crawling around the song baa baa baa-ing for this song.

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Yeah, Melania's a fire-cracker.

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Looking for a true hero, look to Dr. Christine Ford.

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I am not a number.

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This does not excuse the difference. The DNC hack was illegal.Do not push back on this as some of us consider it to be an act of war here in the US.Your point that the DNC is a private institution that covered something up is not a valid one. This was their internal email. It showed no illegal activity.

My point about Mr. Sanders is still valid. If he had been truly offended then he would not be associated with the DP.

i think it would be best for you to go somewhere else for your pay,You are digging a deep hole here and you have dropped into the insult area.

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Assange deserves NOTHING. He's a FSB/GRU tool. Fuck due process for such scum.

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There was no and I mean no corruption that was exposed in the DNC hack.Show me one criminal or even a single filing in the US.I am shocked...shocked to find that some did not like a none Democratic Party presidential candidate (no laws broken here) and he is still active in the party politic.The stealing of information is still a crime.Also to your point earlier some of this was personal! Recipes I seem to recall featured heavily in other Russian sourced talking points.

So you are telling everyone here it is fine if we go to Russian banks and oligarch banks (whom I assume pay you) and get the party leaders (Mr. V. Putin included) account information and publish it globally.

Sorry this would be wrong. But we can help let your leaders know where you stand!

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Talking to yourself?

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You "verbed" what? Your translation software is malfunctioning, Natasha.

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