Yes - but why limit myself to just that particular recipe? There's a whole world of Cuban cooking out there! Just waiting for me!

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Heävy Mëtal Ümlat

Ëvërÿthïng's mörë mëtäl wïth ümläüts. Maybe it's becäuse they can make änything look vaguely Germänic, and everything söunds scarier in German. Or maybe it's jüst because they look cöol, especially whën they're printed in a Göthic typeface. Either way, the diaeresis has becöme the text equivalent of giving ä Devil-hörned salute. Despite the title, however, the Heävy Mëtal Ümlaut is sometimes used in music genres besides metäl.

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I think it's perfectly fine for someone to take 8 years to earn a "4year degree".... what if they're going part time? A credit cap maybe though.... say.... a degree requires 60(?) credits, so cap it at 80ish for free?

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I asked my sister which cookbook she would recommend, and she says that this is her new favorite. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Thank you!!! I will order! My Spanish is bad enough I worry about buying a cookbook in Spanish....

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I'm old enough to remember when N.W.A. released "Fuck The Police", and how controversial it was. How 'bout now?

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It hasn't happened yet; he's just threatening it

First rule of TRE45ON Club:


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Some might say that the 33 years I took for a 4 year degree was excessive.

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Heard this guy on NPR last night. I have to admit he sounded very reasonalble. I place him as a serious VP contender.

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The part of the Evil Aunt Becky character will be hard to cast, especially the current Aunt Becky's problems.

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Does that include Navajo style tacos?

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The Clash covered them. They're someone else you might want to Google.

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Is his brother running for Cornyn's seat? (That would be a better use of Beto's time, as well.)

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I know who they are, thank you very much🙄

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Just funnin'. Most of my co-workers are women in their mid-to-late '20s and if any of them knew who even Bruce Springsteen was they'd say "That's the guy my dad likes, right?|

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There were plenty of 5th year seniors at Cal Poly. I did the majority of my GE at a local community college, so it only took me three years.

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