The fucking loans. The idea was supposed to be that you went to law school and then took a high-paying job in some soulless huge firm where you did document review for 2 years, paid off your debts, learned a lot about the business of law, and then took a job in public-interest law. Many lawyers of my generation did that. Now, it's so off the charts you have no chance.

It's a serious problem for public-interest law, as places like Legal Aid can't get young, passionate lawyers in. They'd work for low salaries, but the loans ...

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Golly. There will be stories ... eventually.

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As long as the jurors have been brainwashed by Fox *news* ……………..

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Yeah, I'm pretty she sure she wants justice. And a wee bit of retribution wouldn't hurt

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Thanks, Liz. That lawsplainer made me feel all warm 'n fuzzy!

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A "few weeks" is over 8.5 weeks? You don't know what "few" means do you? Either that or you can't do math. Or you're a fucking liar. Try again, spammer.

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Do they allow any other kind into that rat palace?

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Not for me; those 60-day workweeks are killers. I just don't have that fire in my belly anymore.

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Maybe Trump will grab the Judge by the pussy.

And the female guards in the courtroom.

And a couple of the younger female jurors.

...just a thought.

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They're especially a bitch since they've thrown in the 36 hour day.

Wears my ass out!

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This is perfect. ^^^

This is exactly how I feel.

My dream, also, is to outlive the fucker.

I will cry blissful tears while I'm pissing on his grave.

Blissful tears....

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Ron Deathsenseless is so proud to be ignorant that it would be no surprise to me if he becomes the new Head of the #Talibangelicals

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I was in a mood and felt like it so I did. But you do you.

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Bending over drillling like that looks hard on the back, from my perspective.

Here is the tool you didn't know you wanted: Fiskars X25. Unless you're a tall person, in which case you want the X27.

I've had one for around ten years, and it is so beaten up, but continues to work beautifully. Before this, I've had the wooden handled splitting mauls, but sooner or later the handle has to be replaced, heads work their way loose, etc. Not on this puppy. And it's so well-weighted that even now, the head does the work for you.

Mr. Blue Shirt Guy whacking away at the side of the log at 0:12? Please.

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French First Lady demonstrates how to block a grab.

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