''...even the very liberal MSNBC...'' which is allowed to exist only because the reich-wing owners at Comcast (which owns NBC) realised thet could not compete with CNN by being middle of the road or Fox News by being right-wing. So they allowed the network to skew liberal, but note they also have Mrs. Greenspan and Fuck Scrod to 'even' things out.

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I doni't think it was shopped for one simple reason - the person probably would've made his entire neck yellow also.

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But first, a round of fishing.

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Damn, this'll fuck TFG's "locker" up. Maybe he can get a new suit to put in it.

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...Got smoked.

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Smoking buffalo chips.

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At this rate we'll never get to the 2020 election "steal".

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I flag spambots

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Hannity sez it was a ploy to get the truth before the public, even at the cost of making Durham look like a criminal. Many more successfulprosecutions coming. Peter Strozk, look out!

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ah ha ha ha

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Great Merican Tump Again?

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You know as well as I that we are never going to be done with this as long as Trump and Co. remain alive.

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I don't know about "and Co.", but when Jabba the Trunt kicks it there should be ticker tape parade that stretched from sea to shining sea.

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Durham is finished. An 0-fer for life. He failed like a common-Trump fails, early and often. If Durham had any respect for himself, he'd resign in disgrace. Durham knows Trump IS going to blame him for this.

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I'll take locked up as well, I suppose. I'm not greedy.

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At least Durham wins the Weird Beard contest - hands down.But wouldn't you hate to live in Durham, North Carolina? Constant reminder.

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