It's not a rumor, I just sent his mother a FOIA request and she confirmed it all. In addition, she says he also rubbed his ween to the tractor pages of antique Sears & Roebuck catalogs.
I've just decided that I must be living in one of those bubble universes where even the most unlikely scenerios, like Trump getting elected POTUS, can happen. I comfort myself by remembering that in the vast majority of the universes, he never did.
TY. I mostly have, and the thing actually works again, so (knock on wood) I shouldn't need to push it much more. If indeed I actually need to use it again this winter. Stupid global warming Chinese hoax.
Manos, the Hands of Fate
Thank you!!!! I blanked on his name, but will never forget the time he had a crush on a beautiful woman. ThenRed noticed she............
I don't care if the airGets toxic,Long as I gotFOX and oxyAnd I will swearThe earth is flatWhile I wear My MAGA hat.....
It's not a rumor, I just sent his mother a FOIA request and she confirmed it all. In addition, she says he also rubbed his ween to the tractor pages of antique Sears & Roebuck catalogs.
Everybody knows.
"war room products" Really?
None of that thar sciency stuff here! What was good enough for Grampa is good enough for me!
Our new pledge of allegiance?
I've just decided that I must be living in one of those bubble universes where even the most unlikely scenerios, like Trump getting elected POTUS, can happen. I comfort myself by remembering that in the vast majority of the universes, he never did.
I first read "Pruitt wrecking crew" as "Putin wrecking crew"--which really isn't all that wrong.
"...while I wait safely on the boat." ~ Marlin Perkins
If they keep it up, the rain will become so loaded with chemicals that all we'd have to do is walk outside without a hat.
Trying to push a tractor.
Oh no! Well I hope you heal up nicely!
A post-ironic ode to public futility.
TY. I mostly have, and the thing actually works again, so (knock on wood) I shouldn't need to push it much more. If indeed I actually need to use it again this winter. Stupid global warming Chinese hoax.