I'm sure the war profiteers are salivating now.

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"Why not blame Obama for supporting that murderous dirtbag Netanyahu? Or Erdogan?"

Oh, I do. I will never defend Barry's foreign policy, which is just the same as Dubya's only handled less stupidly.

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Robert Fisk is awful on Syria. He's in the tank for the Assad regime and Putin's bombs.

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And we got a nice empire as a bonus, or maybe an albatross, depending on how you look at it.

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Ok, fair enough, but cmon, blaming Carter for the Shah isnt fair at all!

Have a great day!

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Voted for him both times. Not ashamed. In both cases he was by far the best choice. Seriously, what was your preferable alternative?

I haven't even been very disappointed, because I never considered him a liberal. In a couple of areas, he's exceeded my expectations.

This latest bit here is making me nervous, I must admit, but at least we're not in a land war with Iran.

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It is important to remember that to war you go with the drone scientists you have; not with the brain surgeons rather you'd have not.

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There never was an easy solution. Jesus didn't come back, no matter how much Bush tempted him.

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Hitler had to be stopped, and the Allies did stop him, in spite of themselves. It would take a lot of earthquakes to create that much death, destruction and suffering though.

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The FSA now fights under the French colonial flag. - Thierry Meyssan.

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FWIW, I'm not an anarchist, but I think the Kurds have a right of self-determination. We appear to be fucking that up.

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Carter came into a pretty untenable position, created by his predecessors. We put the Shah in, as we had done for a number of tinpot dictators. We provided him a more or less graceful exit, possibly reassuring our other tinpot dictators.

Presidenting in the real world is a fucking bitch.

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So, in the Wiki article you cite, you ignore the line that says "President Reagan greatly expanded the program as part of the Reagan Doctrine of aiding anti-Soviet resistance movements abroad."? Or the fact that we didn't give them Stingers until 1986?

I'll concede that the "Carter Doctrine" was stupid, but having lived through the oil embargo, I might be slightly sympathetic.

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I've done a brief google without results, so I would appreciate a link.

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Not at all. I'm ashamed that the Republican party is turning this country into a laughingstock, but not at all ashamed of our president, and I have not heard even one legitimate reason to be. He is, by a large margin, the greatest leader in the history of the world.

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Dire Straits saved my brain.

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