China's desperately trying to keep inflation from eating them alive. And if we American Lard-Sacks start buying even less Chinese Wal-Mart crap, they're up shit's creek. Also, as much debt as they own, most of it is actually owned by Americans. It's just fear-mongering that makes everyone pretend they're going to foreclose on us or something.

(Sorry, but the China stuff just gets me.)

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A bunch of Xtian pro-armageddon loons with their fingers on the nuclear button ... what could possibly go wrong?

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I can take some comfort in knowing that I get out of work in 2 hours, I still have a job (banging on a fucking tree right now), my woman is coming down to see me tomorrow, and I have a full bottle of scotch.

This is my life. It could be worse I guess. It will probably get worse, but I'll kick that republican in the balls when I get there.

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Mmmmm, this cake is so moist and job provider!

(Hat tip to Jon Stewart)

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I think that feeling is supposed to fade as you get closer to adulthood. Too bad the baggers elected a bunch of retards with 12-year-old minds.

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You think so? Just wait 'till there are no more Messicans to pick the beans.

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The shotgun, pitchfork and torch crowd is precisely the people who will put those assholes in power. And they'll find some ethnic group to blame for all our troubles. (Tell me if this sounds familiar.)

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Mmmmmmm ... low taxes! And those job-creatin' pirates are model capitalists.

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Delivering knowledge to Fox-watching cretins? Talk about pearls before swine!

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All you need is self-righteous and ignorant ... the rest is irrelevant (although it does provide a convenient handle for the demagogues.)

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China can't afford to have US bonds tank... they'll do whatever it takes (and no more) to prevent it.

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They can buy all the shit they want, but they aren't going to buy enough Fords and Chevys to make a difference -- and their plasma TVs and iPads are all made in China. The only jobs they create are for maids, chauffeurs, and pool boys.

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what's the 'end of the economy' drinking game and when does it start?

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All the fun of Bread 'N' Circuses, without the bread. And the "Circus" is a half-dead lion, also.

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"eating each other’s poop."

10 billion flies can't be wrong.


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