It's interesting. I left Ukraine in 1993, and I don't remember the diphtheria scare. Speaking about those times - there was a lot of terrible s*** going on in every aspect of life. The 90s were truly cataclysmic for the newly independent republics of the former Soviet Union. It's challenging to compare the Ukraine of the 90s with the modern Ukraine, but one fact remains true - political revolutions typically lead to tragedies.
My sister has post-polio syndrome. We did not know each other in our younger years (because adoption) but although she's done comparatively well with it overall, now in our older years the complications are becoming...complicated. Degenerative arthritis WITH spasticity?? No, please and thank you. :(
Yes. Reading that I remembered Rockland county figures in the memoir about leaving the hasids, Unorthodox. Can’t remember the authors name, helluva read. I also wish people would say ‘observant Jews’ instead of orthodox. My ancient ancestors would not recognize what these people are doing.
Even more so when you remember how the smallpox vaccine is done. I don’t remember the administering of it, I was a tiny baby, but I can look at the scar. They stab you over and over again with the needle. That’s why the scar is so easy to find on a middle-aged or old person.😊
Yep. There are I think it’s five different sects and they each have a “rabbi“ who is their sort of god-king. And one of them is super anti-Israel because humans weren’t supposed to make that happen God was. Utterly obnoxious. And super weird. Also it’s a cult and it’s nice when people leave it.
sorry I thought it was the live vaccine. I got both as well and they I could go out and play again. I think gaming the vaccine is the MAGA leadership game, the MAGA in the street is just a dupe. But I have to say my family it is further spread than MAGA world. I can't get my niece to get the second shot. the first was required for her to get a job. seems like there is a subset of stupid young,
It's interesting. I left Ukraine in 1993, and I don't remember the diphtheria scare. Speaking about those times - there was a lot of terrible s*** going on in every aspect of life. The 90s were truly cataclysmic for the newly independent republics of the former Soviet Union. It's challenging to compare the Ukraine of the 90s with the modern Ukraine, but one fact remains true - political revolutions typically lead to tragedies.
My goop was reddish-orange. Got the cube a few years later.
Can you imagine the nightmare of living your life in an iron lung...and no possible way to even kill yourself to end your misery?
My sister has post-polio syndrome. We did not know each other in our younger years (because adoption) but although she's done comparatively well with it overall, now in our older years the complications are becoming...complicated. Degenerative arthritis WITH spasticity?? No, please and thank you. :(
That happened in the US also, with government position differing from thousands of people. You are no longer in Ukraine, are you?
I remember going to the school after church to get the vaccine, but we drank it from little medicine cups. No sugar cube or shots. oO
We were a farm community though, so I only ever knew one person who got it. She had leg braces, but no iron lung that I recall.
Yes. Reading that I remembered Rockland county figures in the memoir about leaving the hasids, Unorthodox. Can’t remember the authors name, helluva read. I also wish people would say ‘observant Jews’ instead of orthodox. My ancient ancestors would not recognize what these people are doing.
Even more so when you remember how the smallpox vaccine is done. I don’t remember the administering of it, I was a tiny baby, but I can look at the scar. They stab you over and over again with the needle. That’s why the scar is so easy to find on a middle-aged or old person.😊
It’s a cult. I feel sorry for the people in it.
Holy crap.
Oh please, fanaticism can accomplish anything. 😣
If your father doesn’t mind, rewrite this as a F bomb-free letter to the editor and send it to your local newspaper. People would be very interested.
Also, yes, fuck antivaxxers. Delusional gobshites.
Yep. There are I think it’s five different sects and they each have a “rabbi“ who is their sort of god-king. And one of them is super anti-Israel because humans weren’t supposed to make that happen God was. Utterly obnoxious. And super weird. Also it’s a cult and it’s nice when people leave it.
I am not (since 1993), but I follow the events there. I still have friends and relatives in both Russia and Ukraine.
sorry I thought it was the live vaccine. I got both as well and they I could go out and play again. I think gaming the vaccine is the MAGA leadership game, the MAGA in the street is just a dupe. But I have to say my family it is further spread than MAGA world. I can't get my niece to get the second shot. the first was required for her to get a job. seems like there is a subset of stupid young,