Was she the one who steamed his pants?

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No, you're right (IAAL).

In a civil case the jury is allowed to infer that a defendant taking the Fifth might have something to hide. In a criminal case the court tells the jury they're not allowed to infer anything from an exercise of 5A rights.

Juror: "Yeah, right."

It's a lot like the old trial adage about the ability to unring a bell once the jury has heard it.

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I remember all those NARA tweets trolling the DOJ.

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At the same time they spent all that money putting a man on the moon, they fought a war, and completely eliminated poverty in America. something to do with that 70% top tax rate.

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It's still no white vinegar.

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"There's plenty of Milhouse to go around"

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that's all he's hanging out for - once he has immunity he will spill like oil from Exxon

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I agree it's wise to know what drives the other half, and others should look at it too, in context.

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Eventually. He also made sure the women who could corroborate Anita Hill’s testimony were not allowed to speak.

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Or crime deniers.

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He’s a reprehensible piece of shit in many ways, perhaps all the ways. I have given up trying to care if his depravity is exacerbated by mental illness or CTE or whatever. He needs to be stopped. Come on, Georgia.

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That would be a no. He has children he has occasionally texted.

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In rural USA, hicks hope. I'll find the door. ------>

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As a grandpa and daily caregiver of an 18 month old, I take a lot of advice from Elmo. This seems reasonable.

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