Makes you wish there really was a "Deep State" that are quietly compiling evidence in anticipation of a Democratic administration that will pursue charges.

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I know, between Hillary and Joe's handling of this pandemic, I may never vote for another DEMONcrap again, y'know?

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Just tell DOJ to pound sand. They are toothless now.

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Now the Democratic Party is not much better. In Europe they would consider it a centre-right party at best.

Amurica's wonnerful two-sharty system - a centre-right party and a far-right proto-Nazi party.

Oh, for the wondrous days of the Weimar Republic.

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Don't they mean ''When is their turn to mess up America - but just a lot less?''

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Except the Repub strategists KNOW that the 'Obama admin being the most corrupt ever' thing is a big lie, but they are able to convince their base that it was, and that a Biden admin will be worse (psst! - he's really a blah!). And they also know that no Dem will likely use the DOJ for political purposes like they do. It's just another lie to convince the morons that keep voting for them.

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BUT, unless you lived in NY (and this counts the entire state, not just the city), or NJ and CT, people really did not know how he was a base, disgusting, revolting, racist, xenophobic, Mafia-connected criminal, who somehow skated on most of the attempts to charge him with crimes.

Plus, you don't think that the rubes in the sticks cared about casinos going under, do you? In fact, many of them probably LIKED that he got away with that kind of highway (9) robbery, and wished they could do the same things in their daily lives.

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1000 suns! What are you, being kind to that rotting, festering bag of pus?

A googolplex of suns is more like it.

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Wow! You live in Gold? That must be cool!At least you don't live in that stupid place with the yellow brick road!

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Would've really preferred no music in both of them. Would rather hear the cat sounds better.

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That wasn't what I meant but I see your point. I'm not blaming the democrats for Trump, Barr and the GOP completely turning against democracy. But since they HAVE then all we've got to work with to save our democracy is the Democratic party.

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He was known to New Yorkers - that's why he polls at 10% here - but the rubes in Flyoverstan thought he actually was the genius tycoon character that he played on the "Apprentice". The same dolts who would vote for Martin Sheen if he ran for President.

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See, here's the thing. I grew up in Denver, which was not exactly cosmopolitan back in the '60s and '70s, and I knew he was a con man and a vile imbecile. Hell he featured in Berkeley Breathed's "Bloom County" comic strip! He was a punch line for Johnny Carson--an living meme for privileged brats with inherited money. How do people not know this!?!

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Used to live in Pomona for awhile so that's pretty close to where the Wizard of Oz was filmed. Born in Humbolt Co., California so I'm "called a "Yank" here, so hardly living in "gold." In the tradition of British slang yank here means a toilet tank.


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In case anyone needed more reasons to hate Jeff Bezos . . . https://www.bbc.com/news/te...

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Fuck Bill Barr. I can't even read this right now. Have a cute cat video. Or two.


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