The Ferguson PD is racist and terrible? Next you'll be telling me that water is wet!

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Seems like pulling over the super rich would be much more profitable and a lot less work. One a year should do it.

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"....other than his life being ruined unfairly."

Well, if he hadn't wanted that to happen, maybe he should have walked away from Brown's body with the traditional "hands up, don't prosecute" gesture.

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Like with Trayvon Martin, the investigation itself was so botched that there was no way to prove guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt, which is the criteria.

So what does the Fed intend to do about Fergusan's terrible PD?

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But the rich piss and moan and pull the "Don't you know who I am?" routine. Plus dealing with assholes makes anyone (especially cops,in my experience) act like an asshole to everyone else. Needz Moar traffic cameras and directly mailed tickets, maybe.

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Comment on a St. Louis news broadcast last night suggested that, with ticket revenue to be cut in half, and additional training cost imposed, Ferguson will probably close its police department and contract out to either the county or another local department. Some of the other municipal forces in the north county area may not be much better, however.

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...the single most indicting piece of evidence is, 93% of all arrest in Ferguson were African Americans. 93%!!! why didn't this raise any red flags for local, state or federal officials?!?!

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Love to comment, but I have to go restock the Ferguson PD vending machines.

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A civil rights prosecution was going to be a long shot at best - the defense's opening argument would've been that Wilson wasn't even indicted on state charges, and no amount of huffing and puffing about how the local DA tanked the case was going to unring that bell.

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You don't notice what you don't wanna see.

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Or don't care about.

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I can almost understand why there were angry riots instead of calm, measured discussions with all the nice police people.

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No surprises here. Nor will there be from the deleted comments crowd.

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oh, they don't mind cameras as long as they can turn them off right before beating the living crap out of someone...

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why "lightly salted", screw their HPB!

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Sounds like the City of Ferguson owes its citizens substantial reparations.

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