Thy lips to the ears of Ovaltine, Elvish Goddess of Quick Tricks and Small Slams.

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Who knows? It might help.

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I'm not sure you had more fun. I was with a great group of coworkers, SuperNES built into the TV, a couple cases of champagne, my gf (since upgraded to wife), and basically unlimited room service. And we were warm.

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Or drinking tea.

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Hold my beer....

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Life is like a box of snowflakes, you never know what yer gunna git.

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You are "supposed" to pay even if you extend. You are only allowed to extend the time to file your return - not the time to pay your taxes. Of course the IRS electronic filing and EFT system are down today, so...

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I thought that you didn't have to pay interest if you paid at least 90% of what you owed when you file the extension. I got hit with some very minor penalty a couple years ago because I didn't pay an estimated quarterly on time (because I generally don't do quarterly estimates, but I was cashing out an investment to finance a kitchen remodel). All I know is that I was terrified I was in big trouble, and it ended up being what I owed plus $40 or whatever.

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He did shut down the floor his office is on, so maybe he feels so unsafe amongst all the career bureaucrats that he can't go to the basement SCIF. Maybe he's airlifted into and out of his office on the days he shows up. It'd be irresponsible not to speculate.

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AND know about Schrodinger's cat.

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stopped clock.

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Starbucks message?"If you can figure out that customers come in more varieties than our coffees, then everyone loses a day's pay. Remind your asshole manager or fellow dial-911-happy employee of that next time they want to call the cops to kick out a customer waiting for their friend"

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"... a love note to Antonin Scalia." That kind of brilliant analysis is why I pay Donna Rose every month.

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Please, someone say "BOO" to him quick !

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Can the criminal element of Wonkette help me out here?

I am having a difficult time understanding what one would steal from an outhouse.

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Jesus weeping Christ on a pogo stick, this shit should not be necessary. My suggestion for how to conduct the training:"If you treat people like criminals or retarded children because they have brown skin, you're fired. Class dismissed."

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