absolutely nothing.

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yeah it's gonna suck.

but hillary clinton...you know...

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jesus fucking christ.

russia got us here.

and yeah, sure i'll keep blaming the kids as long as you keep blaming the dems. (i don't know a single kid who sat out the election). the dems are often stupid but that IS NOT why we lost the election. and the more we keep this circular firing squad going, the happier the russian wing of the republican party is.

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this is perfect. the living cat evicted the plastic sky god.

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Koch backed think tanks.

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Neil Gorsucks just another soulless shit stain on humanity with absolutely no fucking redeeming features, your typical right wing douche who along with all and i mean all conservatives on this planet should be abducted by aliens and interfered with on a daily basis. Can you imagine what life would be like with these heartless fucks gone, a much better place i think. We would have to develop a DNA test at birth to make sure if a conservative was born we would strangle it because these fuckers are like weeds very hard to eradicate completely.

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"Does it ever occur to anyone why the youngs rejected her? Or do we just keep blaming them?"

In the first place, even if all the stuff the Youngs believe about Hillary were true, they still had a duty to keep Trump out of power. They fucking blew that one big time. They had free will, they made their choice, and we hold them accountable for their choice.

(I realize this is the generation that coined the term "adulting" -- as if performing basic adult tasks is an optional advanced step -- but part of having adult rights is taking on the responsibilities that come with them. You have the right to vote? The country is in your hands; make good choices on Election Day. Sleeping in is not a good choice.)

In the second place, half the stuff the Youngs believe about Hillary is dead wrong, stupid, and the sort of thing only a gullible rube would believe. Like for example, Bernie turning to the Goldman Sachs speeches as proof that Hillary is corrupt ... a person would have to be a moron to confuse those speeches with her abusing her station as a public servant, and yet there are the Youngs lining up for the Bernie Kool-Aid.

Whether you like it or not, the Youngs got suckered in by the oldest scam in the book: an Establishment type (Bernie, in Congress since 1991) convincing naive youngsters that he's really on their side against The Man, fleecing them for $27 a pop, and giving them nothing in return. Good job, kids. Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation took millions from wealthy foreign donors and used that money to battle AIDS in Africa, and somehow -- somehow -- you saw THAT as indicative of corruption.

The Youngs usually smarten up as they get older, but this bunch, I'm not so sure about.

Which is not to say that the Olds are necessarily right all the time; the Olds are slightly more racist and much more homophobic. And the Olds can be dead wrong sometimes. But as Louis CK once observed, even when old people are wrong, unlike young people, they're still operating off a larger base of information. If the Youngs are right once in a while, it's lucky guesses, not insight.

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Any number of things got us here, but Bernie and his cohort softening Hillary up for Trump didn't help. Plus 12% of Bernie's primary voters went on to vote for Trump, which was far more than needed to flip the three critical states.

There are any number of single things that might have flipped this election, but the Bernie voters who wouldn't support Hillary are definitely one of them. Their role doesn't cease to matter just because there were other forces at work that likewise could have flipped the election. It just makes them ALL culpable.

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10000 upfists. The Purity Ponies' refusal to support Hillz have given us an admin of nightmares, cost us 50 years of social progress and put us at the edge of nuclear destruction. Gee, who could've foreseen that?

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Nobody, nobody at all. Except of course those millions of us who were saying that we need to make sure Trump doesn't get into power, that needs to be our first priority.

And to this day, Bernie and friends are still making like control of the Democratic Party is their birthright, even though they have thus far demonstrated they can't win the primary election, only lose the general election.

Nerdy GenX cartoon reference: Bernie and friends are Starscream, unable to take charge but constantly making sure the accursed Autobots win.

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I definitely blame the kids and the Dems, and that's my point. The Russians? I don't know any. So while I've seen enough evidence of collusion, they didn't create the problem of getting a Democratic candidate that the majority of people can agree on. I'm sure a ton of kids were butt hurt purity ponies, or maybe they were only interested in Bernie so when he was out so were they. It's a stupid way to use one's vote, but it's a reality this country has to face.

Regardless of their stance, a lot of people didn't like Hillary. Obama had the highest turnout in 40 years, Hillary had the lowest in 20 years, she actually won the popular vote so I'm crediting her and not Trump with the number being as high as it was. There just wasn't excitement from the beginning. There were people who were very excited, but they were not the majority of people. I heard more about how people hated Trump than how they loved Clinton in real life. I had two people say they would vote for me because they couldn't vote for either. Both were conservatives, so it wasn't like Trump didn't have his purity ponies as well. He lost the popular vote badly. The worst a sitting president ever has I believe. Low turnout and you still came up 3 million short? The electoral college elected him. It's a ridiculous win that we get stuck with. I'm concerned about 2020, and at this point 2018.

Apparently Hillary takes some of the blame in her book. I take blame myself for not being more supportive. My influence is not very wide, so getting kids in Illinois to vote for her wouldn't have changed much but the number of votes she won by and still didn't get to the Whitehouse. After the years of propoganda against the Soviet Union, I'm not exactly shocked to see them meddle in our elections. Just like I wasn't surprised to see us attacked by a group from the Middle East on 9/11. Russia exploited an already existing problem, just like Al Queda exploited our vulnerabilities. But blaming the Russians for the election is like saying that we won WWII. They joined in after a twenty year anti-Clinton propaganda machine, just like we dumped soldiers on the Nazis after they were spread too thin. Despite most of what was ever said critical about Clinton being complete horseshit, it had been said enough that it was believed. It wasn't the Russians that created those scandals, they just didn't want her in office. I can't imagine a Republican that had a chance to win that the Russians would be more afraid of than her.

I'm curious if the Russians had something to do with Comey making pointless statements about WeinerGate? It was a well pIaced nothingburger that changed the polls overnight. I blame him more than the purity ponies who stayed home or voted for Trump, the racists that voted for Trump, the party before country types that voted for Trump because he wasn't a Democrat, and the Russians influencing our election.

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Thanks, friend!

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They’ll still be whinging about how Hillary was a Wall Street owned neoliberal war monger who only wanted to help the disenfranchised because it was political expedient. also she didnt make vegan cookies, so she was a monster.

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Justice Scalytail, I used to say.

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For a good cringe, google up 'Conservapedia' and read what it says about Einstein and relativity. For starters, we liberals believe in relativity because we're in thrall to moral relativism, and Einstein was by the way a Jew, need we say more?It goes on to list many disproofs of relativity, some using middle school math!Hitler wanted a genuine Aryan Physics without all those crazy Jewish ideas, which we call facts these days, as relativity has withstood every challenge.

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Serious question: if (when) Drumpf & Co are removed, what the fuck happens to Gorsuch? How can any opinion he joins be given deference by a future court?

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