Is that one of those smartphone apps? They're getting more and more spicy.

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Huh. I would expect them to exit the body from the excretory system...

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<i>he applies the words in the Constitution as they were understood by the people who wrote and adopted them.</i>

Oh wow. This is shut-in crazy grandpa gold.

What does he do, use a Ouija board instead of a law book?

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Nuclear energy wasn't invented until the 20th century, therefore the government has no business keeping people from building their own nukes. Easy!

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Fun fact... in Canada, "anal intercourse" (up here buttsechs is all they care about) is still an indictable offence, UNLESS a) you're married to each other, or b) 2 consenting adults, gender irrelevant BUT if there are more than 2 people in the room, it's off to jail for you! (so all orgies must be buttsechs free).

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So, Tony - what does the constitution say about sneaking into bondage bars in the Village?

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Scalia should consider working for the Taliban - I hear they have some openings.

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Scalia needs to think bigger picture. If you abort a blah baby, then you don't have to waste money on its almost certain future execution.

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I'm trying to work out the meaning of the picture. Does Scalia think Janet Reno is an alien?

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So the right wing nutz who want a smaller, less powerful Federal government want a law that same sex couples can't play certain games - but others can? Will there be a cop in every bedroom - or just a 24-hour "security" cameras?

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Textual harassment.

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Freedom from government interference? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, depending on what Scalia thinks of the folks who want the freedom. By mystically communing with the zombie Framers, he finds whatever the hell he wants to find in the "text".

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Only if they're both dudes... Sodomy between a man and a woman as gawd intended it is a-okay!

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At least for me... Sodomy + Abortions = happiness...

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Wasn't that Brown in Mass? Or have both of them puked out that nugget of truth?

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