Keeps me out of trouble!

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"The Diamond Age" is actually quite good, imo.

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Thee are exceptions. Even in Kansas of alll places! http://www.kansascity.com/n...

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As would I. As far as I know, Jones has never practiced any combat sports. But then how do you get the BBQ sauce stains out of Trudeau's gloves afterward?

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Oh, no, I mean people from my specific graduating class in HS are in a decision-making capacity in some papers that have done a great deal of damage. But, go those kids!

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Totally true. And I realise that he was obligated to make some concessions to the conservatives to keep the end of the Harper era from turning into the partisan deathmatch that the Americans are dealing with right now.

I'm a literally card-carrying Green Party* member though, so you can see that to some degree, I may be more attatched to ideals than political reality. And also why I would be more pissed about electoral reform dismissal, oil pipelines, and tarsands coddling than the average, perhaps more pragmatic voter.

* Outside of the US we are a real party, and not crazy.

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wow, you are so proudly verbose in your stupidity!

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I think the Greens have been slowly having a positive effect on policy Up Here, especially now that they've attained 'official party' status. We could stand a lil more idealism Up Here - Being pragmatic gets things done, but being idealistic tell you what those things ought to be. Justin needs to channel a bit more of his father there.And FWIW, I've been voting Green for a long time. Their application of environmental theory to economic policy makes a great deal of sense to me. I predict they'll eventually become a contender on both the provincial and national stages the way the NDP did.

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I just saw Ernie's daughter in the Pink Dome (her mom was there for PP lobbying day). did not know that JT was reading Ernie's book.

fun facts:Fan Boys began as a book and turned into a movie script. Ernie was going to film it Clerks style with a bunch of our friends (from ye olde Austin Poetry Slam) until the script got optioned and then all the famous people came in.

and Ready Player One started out as a movie script and turned into a book. Ernie was hoping John Cusack would play the main old gamer.

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Ummm...not sure what your point is. Yes, economies are complex systems with millions of interdependent actors connected non-linearly and yes, everyone is better off when government actually performs its task of acting in the best interest of the welfare of all. There seems to be a whole lot of confusion about what economics is and a whole lot of confusion of economics with political ideology.

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*enbiggens image* *reads image* *wonders how long it'll take Dok to mention Vonnegut* *bingo!*

It's great to have you back Dok. I hope you vacationed to your heart's content.

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I didn't want to post this again, but clearly I have to. https://youtu.be/aTZYSzxZcvA

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You're probably right. You'll forgive me, I hope, for lately feeling a bit more suspicious than usual of billionaire white men, regardless of their party affiliation.

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Snow Crash, which is... not that great.But Cryptonomicon is, as are Anathem and Reamde. Seveneves is extremely inventive and somewhat disturbing.

And surely Randall Monroe takes the Super-Geek Award, going away.

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I thought it was the loon.

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William Gibson isn't a "geek". He's an extremely talented and elegant writer who just happened to work in the SF medium and had some very prescient ideas about what the future would hold. (Although he thought the USSR/Eastern Bloc would still exist, so clearly he's not omniscient.) Sure, Stephenson is a pretty good writer if you just want "geeky". I'm not a default fan of SF, I'm a fan of great writing, so it takes more than just "geeky" to hook me as a fan.

And I found Cryptonomicon fairly meh as well. I quit reading Stephenson after that.

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