They are so cute together.

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I love it when he speaks french, he could read the phone book and it would sound sexy.

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why couldn't we've been Canadians?1st thing i do in a time machine is give the French machine guns in the French and Indian War...the only downfall is we all would be speaking French instead.

cursing in French has a certain kind of eloquence to it.

Korean does too but Koreans didn't sail to the "New World."

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The second is closer - the term is new but the concept is VERY old. The basic meaning is 'people who have male AND female spirits.' They were treasured, considered very special, often seers or warriors. It's a concept we would have done well to adopt.

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French, like Japanese, never met an English word it didn't like.

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"Official apology in the House for the state-sponsored, systemic oppression, and rejection of LGBTQ2 people..."

[In Russian accent]...

Because Canada not has legal weed.

Weed make the gay sexy time better.

Is science!https://www.forbes.com/site...

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We can make US America like Canada, but it is going to take a lot of hard work, a lot of suffering, many tears, tons of work, even more work, and possibly a metric shit ton of work.Now we get to ask ourselves: Are we worthy of that project?

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Huh ? Where in this story does it mention either ?!If that's your way of intimidating that Trudeau is homosexual it sux

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Chevalier d'Eon is a fantastic anime if you haven't seen ithttps://www.youtube.com/wat...

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This is Wonkette. Pants-free zone.

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No not at all. The bill mentioned buggery as one of the things the legislature was apologizing for having made illegal. The ice and mannequin are a reference to a previous Wonkette articlehttps://wonkette.com/626332...

I would never say anything mean about Justin. Peace

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<pedant>Metric shit tonne, actually.</pedant>

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"Population" would be a more appropriate word, I think.

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Next up: Trudeau's official apology for the first apology not being heartfelt enough. Because, Canada.

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I LOVE this country!

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