''There's no denying this is my time!''

-- Satan (Al Pacino). ''Devil's Advocate''

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I know by now that you don’t actually research American politics other than to get your Berner talking points, and that’s fine. You calling Kamala “entrenched” because she’s been a public servant who’s worked her way to the top from a non-political family is laughable, but that’s fine too.

But quit making fun of Joe Biden’s speech impediment. Yes, you are. Anytime he stumbles and a word pops out that’s a “57 states” level gaffe, you Berners are all over it. This is ableist. Stop it.

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Happy birthday!

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He’s not a one in a generation. He just refuses to acknowledge the others.

He does not have a good shot at taking the White House. That’s why so many people have abandoned their own platforms to support Joe Biden, because he actually does.

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I would love Stacy as VP. She could get the same type of dialog going about domestic violence and civil rights that Joe did when he was VP.

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They’re resilient and have risen to the occasion.

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Right, we’ve learned a lot in the last ten years about why he was wrong. But there was a lot going on at that time that needed more fixing.

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Yes. Tomorrow the moderate states vote.

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Warren was a registered Republican 25 years ago. You pushed for Uygur for the House and he was a GOP operative 10 years ago.

Only the Bernie menfolk can change I guess.

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Wait, you mean she unseated the DA that, according to your own Intercept article, didn’t get along with anyone else in the political discourse? She did it as an unknown, and you think that’s a reflection on her?

Bernie has had the same number of years to build a movement from his lofty perch in national politics, and yet that’s not “entrenchment.” Okay.

Warren became a Democrat in 1996. Twenty-four years ago. That’s what you call “recently?”

I’m beginning to think you just don’t like women or Democrats.

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Funny. Bernie is not to be treated as a politician despite being in politics for 40 years. For reasons.

You do understand there was no back bench toiling. He just didn't do anything in that time.

Unassailable policy command. Right. Detail his policies. Not the slogans. The actual policies and show how they get done. No magic allowed.

You would think if he was so beloved people would turn out to vote for him. At least to make him the nominee.

Damn, but you really don't do anything but bad faith anymore do you?

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Mayors - with a few exceptions - direct law enforcement. Bernie was a mayor before he was a senator. Bernie was a cop while Kamala Harris was still in high school.

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Oh, and that was in 1981, which if memory serves was a full decade before the 1990s.

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She probably screwed up adding way too much detail to the plan so critics could pick it apart and point out the many, many reasons it would never gain enough support in Congress. Should have kept it nice and vague. If anyone asked her how she’d ever get it passed, she could just insist she’d be able to build a coalition through yelling loudly at everyone who agreed on the goal but not the specifics.

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GIn doesn't go well with coffee anyway.

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