Plus, us ladypersons can actually buy more shit. Food, 'lectric bills, that sort of thing.

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At my company we are all watching anything about small business. The company recently closed its warehouse and mail room, and there is a little scuttle about our production company shifting to contract work. They are trying to get the company small enough to be eligible for "Small Business" status.

We have the largest catalogue of individually administered assessments in our industry. There is NO FUCKING WAY my company should ever be considered a small business.

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It's funny because in teaching and nursing, there doesn't seem to be a problem with men not advancing or being paid fairly.

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I would imagine women have a hard time getting into the trade programs to begin with. I wanted to train as a welder, and no fucking way were my parents going to let me do that. Plus, the school thought I would be taking up a position that was necessary for someone who really needed it (i.e., a loser dude who wasn't going to college, I guess?).

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Elizabeth Warren and Lisa Simpson! I like it.

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Oversimplified - I got ribs cooking - but this will give you an idea:Say you're one of a tiny handful of women office managers in a company that refines phlogiston. None of your competitors (it's a cutthroat business and there's a lot of competition) has office managers at all, so you can't find out what other companies pay male managers to know what you should be paid. (This is what's usually done but it isn't always possible.) What do you do?You look at other industries that are similar, say, companies that compress aether. Across the board their workers make similar money to what your company pays, so you look at what THEIR office managers get paid and apply THAT.Does that make any sense? This was the kind of thing that was discussed way back when equal-pay issues became an important issue. I cannot BELIEVE we still need to talk about it.

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Angry KamalaSanctuary SenatorCalifornicator

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Russia gains US Dollar cash revenue based on Trump foreign policy. How did that happen? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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As a general principle I don't think questions of fundamental rights should be carrot and stick situations.

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Exactly. A lot of smart people have been thinking about this for decades on three continents at least and there surely both theoretical and practical ways to establish parity.

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If only he wasn't a hardcore Republican asshole not to mention Trump lackey not to mention Zodiac killer, he could be the mildly excruciating uncool but good to have on your side weirdly amusing liberal parliamentarian. Thinking of LBJ, still under the spell of the Caro book. Is it not possible to turn Rs?. Plenty of Ds go to the dark side, can't think of any who make the opposite journey.

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I suppose it's inevitable she'll get a popular nickname, K-Hair or something.

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Gender and ethnicity should be irrelevant. Only education and experience should have anything to do with starting wages. Later on if there is a review system in place, that's got to be looked at by the same people. There are, after all, lazy and unproductive people of all backgrounds. But, there needs to be some manner whereby wrongs of the review sort do not have a basis in anything else.

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Some men will THINK they are being harmed, because equal pay would make it easier for ladies to escape from abusive or even merely unsatisfactory relationships. Oh, the misandry!

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That was the person overseeing security clearances, to one of the career people who denied Jared and Ivanka (and probably others) their clearances.

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