Jerry Garcia gives a celestial shoutout to the other Jerry.

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Well in ND we suffered badly due to Trump's stupid trade war and this yr bad weather. Beets and soy beans got wasted like 60% and what grew got stuck frozen in the ground (beets) Beans fields too wet to harvest wasting on the vine. Corn that was fair did fair for feeding livestock did okay. But in the Red River Valley of the North could plant enough in one year to stone this county for 10 yrs. and Pot prices would drop. But food prices as they soon will skyrocket Beets that is sugar beets are the main cash crop. But what did grow laid 60% waste in the ground unharvested That sugar is used in many products. Parts of hemp/cannabis can be used for many things but not as a food product for the most part. My rough estimate food prices are gonna rise by 1/3 by next yr. This climate change thing is coming home to roost. And I know it's not just here in the RRV it's worldwide.

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Well, I did say "ingest" instead of "smoke".

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Makes sense. Do people who sell drugs try to encourage pot users to try the more expensive stuff? I had imagined that most sellers tend to carry most things like a pharmacological Walmart.

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Lots of Americans swallow coffee, even into their elderly years.

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Sounded way too funny to have been Miller.

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Occasional smoker (where it's legal) and non-drinker agrees, having quit the one that was dangerous.

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And prosecute the assholes corrupting the THC vape capsules.

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Treat addiction like a public health problem and adequately fund public health programs/services.

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One of the great things about that song it was written and performed in the fifties, yikes! I played that song for over twenty years and had one one bar owner tell me I couldn't perform it because "We don't listen to that kind of music here"

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THIS^^^ That is why they are fighting legalization.

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No, the animatronic figures are much more lifelike.

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For the record (or CD, as this case may be): https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

I've read it, and can recommend it without reservations.

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In college, the bong of awe for us was assembled from a mailing tube (the kind of thing used to mail posters). A tube about as long as your arm (a little less, maybe), that had a cap that slid on and off, about a third of the length. It had a hole in the non-movable end, where the bowl from a bong could be screwed in. To use, you put the bowl in, filled it, then one person started the lighter and the other manipulated the tube, pulling it open (but not off!) as the lighter-holder got the bowl started.

A slow, careful pull and the bowl burned out as you reached the end of the draw. Lighter person had a glove on the other hand: drop the lighter, pick the bowl off with the lighter gloved hand, and cover the hole with a thumb.

Administration was the reverse. Kiss the back of the thumb on the outbreath; thumb pulled out and lips seal to the hole, breathe in as the tube is pushed (slightly! only) together. Seal with thumb again and pass. Usually passed around a second time once it was all closed up, recharged by drawing it out (there'd be smoke still inside, but the second pass was both cooler and less rich with smoke).

We called it "The Device." Because by the time you'd hit it (or been hit with it) once, you didn't have any spare imaginative capacity to come up with something better.

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The booze companies fight legalization with the heat of a thousand suns, because it cuts their sales.

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