Harris or Warren will be fine with me. As an old white guy , I am allowed {?} to rule out Biden. Bernie was my choice 4 years ago but he needs to move on.

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Very cool moment. (Oh shit, this is fucking yesterday. Damn.)

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Remarkably little.

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As long as they're lefties. No Palins or Thatchers, please.

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fuck her, she's just showing the down side of Pride, she's out ridiculoused even elizabeth how indian warren. these folks are not what Pride is about, they are playing to assholes like lisa eats ass and hambeast who want to pretend they are cool with everyone and somehow that makes them different than republicans. it's bullshit and they aren't cool at all.

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LGBT crap. Garbage people. Terminal deviates.

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As it were, and as it is. You are spot on. Amazing intrinsic vileness covers it neatly. If someone tried to explain basic human decency to him I am sure he'd be genuinely puzzled. "What a weird concept."

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It is great. Also, being mean, after feeling warm and fuzzy at those images, I think of the way Trump supporters are sure to foam at the mouth and shriek, "God will destroy America if this awful degenerate becomes President!" and have fits with their legs in the air, I feel even more warm and fuzzy. May the discomfort of the hateful only increase.

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Of course you have to have two rainbow sequined jackets. One for summer and a heavier one for winter.

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Lol, right? I was terribly tempted to play dumb and be like, “I don’t understand. Are there books in here where all the pronouns have been changed? How do you tell if a book is male or female if the spines aren’t pink and blue? If a book is about gender identity generally, does that automatically make it trans, or can it be non-binary or femme or...? They didn’t teach me any of this in library school!”

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He would make it look like he was raising his haunches to relieve himself I fear.

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Oh shit! Ya broke the babby with that one!

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Anyone check to see if Michele Bachmann was hiding in the bushes?

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When is Lust?

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I saw that picture of Pete Bootyjudge at Pride, and I wept. I know I'm all "I'm ready to vote for a gay guy for president, just not that gay guy," but dang! That is an amazing thing.

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Can it be that it was all so simple then? Or has time re-written every line? If we had the chance to do it all again - tell me, would we?

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