Let me see, I'm glad you came to me with this question. You DEFINITELY need a makeover, unless it made you look so good you felt you had to go outside and let everybody see you, and you caught a fatal chill. Or, you just lay back down and ruined it and the pillowcase got ruined. It is true that having a lot of mascara on and then having it run down can make you smokin hot, tho. I applaud it. Especially as, in my quest for understanding of the Jordan Peterson story from yesterday I wandered into a hellish world of Extraordinary Hell Puritans but I kept thinking they might be nice but now I don't think so so I'm glad to have had our make- up conversation. Sorry you're sick. Over in that other place, they think the people on the border sold their children to traffickers and that's how the children got here, and are now in conditions better than they've ever lived in before. Truly. I wanted to find out something and I did and now I want to kill myself.

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If you've ever seen them together, they can't even answer questions because they just laugh continually. That's the second best thing (after how she does in hearings) about Kamala to me.

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Don't do that. I'm going to go rummage around in my bathroom drawer to see if I have any mascara in there, and I want to know what you think about it. Also I might need tips on how to apply it. I vaguely recall you're not supposed to jam it into your eyeball. Also, how are you supposed to get it off? Just go to sleep and let it rub off on the pillowcase? Smear it with marmalade and take a hot shower? Thank you for your kind sympathy. I feel a bit sorry for myself and appreciate it when other people do, too.

Lessee, is mascara the black stuff or the pink stuff?

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Well if it's not waterproof just bursting into tears will give you that I'm so hot look, immediately. Otherwise, just wash your face and see what happens. And if you're not happy in the morning, marmalade! Does your mascara have little pieces of things in it? I've been trying to find some that doesn't have those little tiny black sticks in it. Because I've gotten old and my eyelashes have left my eyelids and I just want to look as if I still had them, not as if I was a hot chick. I don't want to look sort of albino, as I tell people. Is that so wrong? So I put it on the bottoms of my lashes and try to make it look discreet. Of course, this isn't about me! Are you just sick at the moment, or are you always sick? Because you might need to get make-up tattoos. (Be a Gorgeous Patient!)

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Are you just sick at the moment, or are you always sick? Hmmm. Discussion with doctor yesterday: Her: You were sick before you left for Ireland. Me: Yes.Her: How were you when you were over there?Me: Wonderful.Her: And you got sick again immediately upon returning . . . Me: Your point?So I rummaged, and this is what I found: [spreads assortment of cosmetics out. gingerwentworth1 stretches neck to check them out while keeping one foot extended over cliff. otoh casually kicks the cosmetics stash a little further away from the edge]Exuviance Performance Peel & Intensive Eye Treatment PadHonest Beauty Truly Vibrant Ocean Blue Eyeshadow Trio in a case that looks like it belongs in a museum, which comes with diagrams about which color you're supposed to put where on your eyelidHonest Beauty Truly Lush Mascara and Lash Primer, Black MirrorTruly Kissable Lip Crayon, Sheer Raspberry KissHonest Beauty Everything Primer Luminous BaseHonest Beauty Crème Blush, Truly ExcitingHonest Beauty Refreshingly Clean Makeup Remover WipesAll of these unopened, do not ask me why I have them or the truth of what an easily led shopper I am will come tumbling out. I read about some cruise ship, probably here on Wonkette because it is the source of all my reputable news, where a fight broke out because someone said it wasn't a fancy dress cruise but then someone turned up dressed as a clown and a fight broke out and blood was spilled. I am concerned that if I try to put this makeup on people will think that I am dressed up like a clown and blood will be spilled. Please advise. [kicks mascara further out of reach. Gingerwentworth1 reluctantly puts off suicide and reaches for mascara, gasps when she reads the expiration date]

Edited to add: also found Seaweed cleansing creamHonest Beyond Protected Sheer Tint Sunscreen, 30spfBare Minerals Boss Matt, but I don't even know what this is? Lipstick applied with mascara wand? Elemis Marine Mask

Jeezes but hope springs eternal. Cats are now playing with the cosmetics (boxes).

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Well, I never felt the same way, even after the first one. I always thought he had bested Romney. And thank goodness the election went our way.

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You're right that I can't leave earth with all these cosmetics hovering, not to mention the question of whether to find lasting health you've got to return to Ireland. I'm so amazed and actually impressed and bowled over by your having all that stuff when I thought you didn't even know anything while compared to you I'm like an old Mennonite or something! So your post is very welcome because tho my troubling conversations at the Hellscape of the Wire were over, I was beginning to think, "Is there any reason why I can't send over the article about Trump's conversation with the Yazidi woman Miss Murad who won the Nobel Prize and who told Trump her family was all slaughtered and he looked straight ahead and asked her "where are they now?" See that's a pointless exercise and not healthy as we well know so tho I'd like to learn about those products, and tell you about how I don't use foundation anymore but only this Minerals thing for covering spots which is great, I'm advising you in this way and hope you like it. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Oh, me too. I remember him sitting there sooo relaxed saying Proceed-- maybe it was "Proceed, governor." I thought it was so unbelievable. You know, I can't forget something Romney said once, when that girl who was a law student at Georgetown, she was testifying about birthcontrol, and Rush Limbaugh said if it was going to be paid for publicly he wanted sex tapes and that she was a whore? I think that was it, or a slut. So in their tedious way, some reporter asked Romney what he thought about that, and Romney said (smiling of course) "Well I wouldn't have used that word." Like, "I'd have just said prostitute." He's the most incompetent human ever. In a way he bothered me more than Trump because the things he did didn't cause a huge stir, like Trump's do so I felt worse.

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Um, I’m a lawyer who has been practicing for 30 years who frequently sues police departments and have sued the local DA. What are your qualifications for spouting off, Sparky?

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so, are you Larry Klayman or something? here, struggle to fucking actually READ about it, then pretend you have a fucking clue Mr "lawyer" man;

In that story, Harris admitted that as California Attorney General, she’d been briefed on systemic law-enforcement cheating in what is nationally known as the Orange County jailhouse-informant scandal. With a wink-wink from local prosecutors, deputies inside the Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) ran unconstitutional scams against pretrial inmates, hid or destroyed exculpatory evidence, and repeatedly committed perjury to cover up their messes. Crime victims and their families were outraged that those tainted deputies’ habit of trampling the constitution botched trials.

In just a few years, the scandal upended at least 20 major felony cases, including those involving murders. The California Court of Appeal railed against the law-enforcement corruption in a historic November 2016 ruling, when a shoulder-shrugging Harris was still AG. The justices called the threat to the criminal-justice system “grave” and blasted officials for tolerating lousy ethics.

Well, that’s not entirely accurate. She announced the launch of an investigation in early 2015 and pretended she was a watchdog the public could trust. That alleged probe, which is now four years old, withered in bureaucratic la-la land while offending deputies and prosecutors felt relief as statutes of limitations expired.


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OT, but allow me to indulge my editing obsession for a moment and say OMFG... "coronate"? The word is "crown." CROWN.

How the hell did "coronate" get past the editors at Vanity Fair? That kind of shit hurts my soul.

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For me it's Warren-Harris, so Kamala can build her rep as Elizabeth's veep. Warren '20, Harris '28!

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She would mop the floor with Agent Orange in a live debate. That's what needs to happen, on live TV, before 7.6 billion people

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So I tried enough of the makeup to remember why I don't wear makeup. The Elemis mask falls in the secret-weapon category--as in, nobody should look that good. Check. The primer (good name) felt like housepaint. The lipstick--well, I remember that you're supposed to move your lips a certain way when you're applying it, and I tried several. The mascara was a nope. Some of the eye shadow, within limitations, could serve a purpose. Further spelunking in the bathroom cupboard turned up pore strips--ouch!--and lash tint. Saved the latter for this morning. Also read about a recipe for staining one's lips with Kool-Aid. Sort of a multipurpose lip exfoliant/stain/snack. I might give these a try today, the lash tint and the lip stain. Would that suffice to result in my being made-over? Is there a minimum with these things, and how do you know if you've hit it? Is there a tipping point, like an overhaul vs. a total rebuild? Found a Kool-Aid color conversion chart on a sockknitter's page (thus the mohair reference) https://www.socknitters.com... I'm thinking the raspberry or sharkleberry fin or tropical punch.I have none of these on hand, but found a packet of Acai Berry Emergen-C, which does a tolerable job of staining my lips a titch without my feeling claustrophobic. I also have some rooibos tea, and will try making a concentrate of that.

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Kamala Harris Is President Of Making Trump Republicans Sh*t The Bed

Well, it's a good thing that I read that here, because I did not get the memo!

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Yeah, and you could sense right away when his programming hit a bug in the software. He doesn't have a genuine bone in his body.

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