I get what you're saying about the appropriate taxes, unfortunately people have been led to believe that taxes are worse than the return of Hitler. This is probably where the hamstringing comes from.

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Brilliant! I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you for your thoughfulness.

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Twelve percent of Bernie voters went on to vote for Trump. That was enough to throw the election his way.

Bernie taught his droogs to hate, and they learned the lesson well enough to give the country to Trump. Imagine if Bernie had taught them to disagree with Hillary respectfully, then they might have pushed her to victory.

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Wondering if the so-called progressives are sincere or just Russian bots is like wondering if the GOP are genuinely stupid or just pandering to the stupid: it doesn't really matter. We have to focus on fighting the damage.

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Mueller doesn't give a blind fuck about his approval ratings.

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It's not like the process of paying for medical care is going to vanish, there just won't be the glut that there is now. The automation of other industries Is a whole different animal, single payer or Medicare for all are still going to be full of red tape. Supplemental insurance will still be a thing as well. I doubt the fallout will be untenable.

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Now you're going to Berniesplain to me what we all just saw you do? LO fucking L!

Look, clown. I'm one of those Bernie primary voters, as are a good many people here. We don't need to be lectured about who or what we are.

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Is that why you work to elect Republicans?

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ok, i'll make that argument...sngle payer cant fail, If You Cheap Mothafuckas Stop Bitching About How Much It Will Cost, Make The Wealthy Pay Higher Taxes, And Just Fucking Fund It Already Because In The Long Run It Will Drive Costs Down--it can only be failed, and stfu with the whining pissing moaning concern trolling already

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Well SHIT, you can afford ANYTHING provided you just assume someone else will pay for it. You haven't mentioned any willingness to see your own taxes increase to fund this, which makes you just as greedy as any garden variety Teabagger. Get used to it, you'll be one of them as soon as you make enough money for your own taxes to be at risk.

Only one of the two of us is actually looking at the problems that have hounded single payer, and will do so until we address them. That person ain't you.

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Thank you, I shall go fuck myself. I do so regularly. But, if you advocate any violence or knee-jerk anti-anything, then you are part of the problem, not the solution. The essence of democracy is compromise. Without it, it doesn't work. To compromise, you must respect the views of the minority -- doesn't men I'm advocating racism or the blind upward transfer of wealth -- but it does mean, I thank your respecting my views.

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They are not trying to undermine her as a California Senator. They are trying to undermine her as a future Presidential candidate.

Remember that they started doing this to Hillary Clinton when she was the First Lady, not an elected position. And they kept it up for decades. And it worked.

Repubs are really good at undermining and demonizing people and programs. Dems need to learn to start fighting back at the first sign of it.

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Thanks for the links, but I couldn't find any mention of Konst or Bernie in either article. Roemer is mentioned as a Dem turned Repub.

Did I miss something?

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Agreed. They also let the "death panels" smear fly.

But their biggest mistake was simply not defending the major health care expansion they had passed. They should not only have done this, but gone on the attack and demanded the Repubs come up with a better plan if they could.

We need less wimpy Dems. There's a chance we're getting a few.

I have noted recently that some self-named progressives are starting to label Kamala Harris as a "Corporate Democrat." This is the same smear they used against Clinton. It needs to be stopped now.

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I agree with your conclusion. But I think that identifying the smearers for who they really are is an effective way to fight back.

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