Fuck conservative opinion. Hot white Jesus from your Grandmother's framed print in the living room would get just as much hate and vitriol from them as any other democrat. Kamala would do well with women, democrats and centrist voters. She'll be subjected to the standard hot garbage of racist and sexist attacks, but she knows that and she can handle it. She's handled it already. Her campaign should focus on women's rights, crime and inflation. Whatever it takes to get those weirdos towing the line onboard.
Me too; people can complain all they want about Democrats failing to deliver, but let's face it - things will definitely be worse if more Rethugs are elected.
My hope is that Biden is re-elected, then Harris steps in.Then she picks any creature that is not and never has been a republican, not even species matters only life-long Dem, for VP.Then she has the advantage of incumbency and is re-elected.Rinse and repeat.It is damn hard to win against an incumbent President. And no Republican would ever, in a million years, step away from power for the "common good."
Fuck conservative opinion. Hot white Jesus from your Grandmother's framed print in the living room would get just as much hate and vitriol from them as any other democrat. Kamala would do well with women, democrats and centrist voters. She'll be subjected to the standard hot garbage of racist and sexist attacks, but she knows that and she can handle it. She's handled it already. Her campaign should focus on women's rights, crime and inflation. Whatever it takes to get those weirdos towing the line onboard.
Upvoted for getting the reference.
It's astonishing how prescient that was
100% true. Start with the Filibuster and the new Justices after the 1st of the year. Vote Blue!
It is, but the average person doesn't think that way. Basically it boils down to a popularity contest.
Me too; people can complain all they want about Democrats failing to deliver, but let's face it - things will definitely be worse if more Rethugs are elected.
Or, as I saw in one meme, the election of T**** made us all aware of how many truly awful people walk amongst us.
Don't count on it.
I think you understate the amount of hate and bile HWJFYGFP would garner from Republicans.
In right wing world it's still 1968 (if not earlier).
That's the trouble with idiot voters. Silly things like facts will not make them change their minds.
And they never will (learn anything); they're dead set against it. Because that would mean admitting they were wrong, and Rethugs NEVER do that.
If DeSatan is trailing Harris in the polls, he's in serous trouble....
If you're calling it an "incident," we really have nothing to discuss. Worry on.
Seriously? Word choice policing?
My hope is that Biden is re-elected, then Harris steps in.Then she picks any creature that is not and never has been a republican, not even species matters only life-long Dem, for VP.Then she has the advantage of incumbency and is re-elected.Rinse and repeat.It is damn hard to win against an incumbent President. And no Republican would ever, in a million years, step away from power for the "common good."