Well said. It's being able-bodied and "healthy" that's a temporary state of affairs. Absolutely every person has a stake in the fight for disability rights and protections.
Disabled is the biggest word in the language, because it covers so much. I don't know how Kansas defines disabled, so it's hard to know what the law does or does not do.
Perhaps it is aimed as so-called sheltered workshops? Or not. The only place I know that hires noticeable numbers of disabled people is Safeway, which hires people with Down's as baggers (a job I had when I was 16).
For many years, I had a secretary who was deaf. With adaptive technology, she is able to talk on the phone but she's always been able to type, order supplies and input time & attendance. A lot of the tools I learned about while being her supervisor (like caption phones, Live Transcribe, etc.) have helped me assist my grandfather, who is now almost completely deaf. People act like disabled people are "those people", but the vast majority of us will experience disability at some time in our lives - even if it's temporary. My grandfather could hear well when he was younger, and now he can't. At least with new tools, that I know about because I know 1 deaf person, we're able to communicate with him to share news and tell him we love him,
This is what I like about telework and remote work opportunities. If you're blind, you don't have to drive to get to an office. If you're deaf, you can turn on the captions during a Zoom meeting and DM coworkers. If you have migraines, you can work in a darkened room that's quiet. Yes, there are jobs that she may not qualify to do, but that's OK! I'm not qualified to pitch for the New York Yankees or model lingerie for Victoria's Secret - and I'm able to put food on the table.
Well said. It's being able-bodied and "healthy" that's a temporary state of affairs. Absolutely every person has a stake in the fight for disability rights and protections.
Disabled is the biggest word in the language, because it covers so much. I don't know how Kansas defines disabled, so it's hard to know what the law does or does not do.
Perhaps it is aimed as so-called sheltered workshops? Or not. The only place I know that hires noticeable numbers of disabled people is Safeway, which hires people with Down's as baggers (a job I had when I was 16).
Abide, my dude.
probably, i think the one legislator did say that.
And she did abide...
For many years, I had a secretary who was deaf. With adaptive technology, she is able to talk on the phone but she's always been able to type, order supplies and input time & attendance. A lot of the tools I learned about while being her supervisor (like caption phones, Live Transcribe, etc.) have helped me assist my grandfather, who is now almost completely deaf. People act like disabled people are "those people", but the vast majority of us will experience disability at some time in our lives - even if it's temporary. My grandfather could hear well when he was younger, and now he can't. At least with new tools, that I know about because I know 1 deaf person, we're able to communicate with him to share news and tell him we love him,
And many others as well agree that disabled lives are worth-less lives.
PSA: Be on the lookout for the ableist attitude in your neighborhood/workplace/own mind, and STAMP IT OUT.
This is what I like about telework and remote work opportunities. If you're blind, you don't have to drive to get to an office. If you're deaf, you can turn on the captions during a Zoom meeting and DM coworkers. If you have migraines, you can work in a darkened room that's quiet. Yes, there are jobs that she may not qualify to do, but that's OK! I'm not qualified to pitch for the New York Yankees or model lingerie for Victoria's Secret - and I'm able to put food on the table.
Exactly! My grandfather is 97 and is now completely deaf. Both he and my grandmother (95) have mobility issues. It's a matter of time.
If there's anything that scares the shit outta rich people, it is poor people actually earning money.
Because, as the vast majority of rich people are well aware, you're supposed to fall out of a vagina into money.
I've only known one deaf person at all very closely. She could read people, not just their lips.
GOPervert Floriduh legislators want to pay teens and the disabled less than the voter mandated.minumum wage.
Oh boyhttps://twitter.com/mvario1...
I really must be better about reading Democracy Dockethttps://twitter.com/marceel...