Here's what I know about cops...They lie.They cheat.They steal, a lot.They don't mind the rough stuff. (on you, especially if you're a person of color)

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Time to lay down a 20- or 30-year federal consent decree.

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“ Noting that minority residents might feel cranky about all the over-policing, the command staff allegedly advised to “approach every car with the mindset to be ready to kill everybody in the car."

This statement alone ensures I will never step foot in the state of Missouri (and I’m from Indiana!) Being perceived as dangerous just because of my skin- no scratch that- because of some cop being white- is really getting old. People aren’t racist because of upbringing. They’re racists because they want to be! These cops were directed to harass black people to increase revenue. Wonder how all those Blue Lives Matter assholes are gonna spin this one. Not like they give a shit. After all, it’s happening to people who look like me, not like them.

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It was an Israeli bullet, yes. That’s been established. It was not from a sniper-that would have been immediately obvious from the caliber of the round. It was a stray round. The soldier who fired it should have been a damn sight more careful.

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I hate this guy with the heat of a thousand suns.

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It’s a chilling thing to know your skin is a potential death sentence in some places and in some men’s minds.

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When they pull over white drivers, they're advised to "approach each car with the mindset that they probably deserve a warning rather than a ticket."

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Did you read the part about the nearest armed militants were nowhere near the reporters?

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Which will be repealed the second a republican becomes president.

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And make sure the dash cam is “malfunctioning.”

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It’s one thing to hear about inherent bias in policing, but to see it spelled out as official policy makes it all the more stark.

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Call me crazy, but it seems to me like killing everyone in the car might be likely to diminish the amount of revenue that writing them tickets would generate.

If you can't convince them to be less racist because it's the decent, human thing to do, maybe pointing out the negative impact on their bottom line might help.

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"I was pretty sure that 5-year-old was packin'!"

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Saved me the typing ...

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If a man speaks of his honor, make him pay cash. - R. Heinlein

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