The Shills Have Eyes.

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Dear Kansas,

I've reconsidered. Toto and I are going to stay here in Oz. It's more real.


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What about the antigluten mafia in Lawrence? Do they get nothing?

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Oklahoma might win, is why not.

Finally, revenge for the 1988 NCAA Men's Basketball Final.

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Don't outfits like Bain typically look for buyout targets with lots of assets and relatively lower earnings? Kansas seems a bit short on assets.

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They will become wealthy because Kansas magic economy.

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It's there to keep his balls company.

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They're the real heroes.

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Bumper crop of asses, tho.

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They have some excellent barbeque there.

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Losing steam fast along the backstretch is Chris "I can't believe I ate the whole thing" Christie.

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Evidence? "That's science and we Republicans don't believe in all that stuff, 47% of people in the country don't pay any mind to evidence. We know that 'cos President Romney told us"

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Yes, conservatives always claim to be good at the business, but when pressed they do not how how businesses actually work.

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That ain't workin', that's the way you do it. Got the money for nothin' and the chicks for free.

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A reasonable person's view of the Laffer curve would be, if successive tax cuts reduce revenue, then the original tax rate was between zero and the peak. Therefore tax rates should go back to the original level, if not slightly higher. Repubs don't seem to grasp this.

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But a perpetual motion machine is a good thing, right?

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