Most of them are all for "tort reform" - which actually prevents the "invisible hand" from operating properly. Go figure.

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If it's an actual murder, dimwits are encouraged to buy guns to "protect themselves". The more murders, the more guns, and the more guns out there, the more murders. It's not a bug, it's a feature.As for the dolts who kill themselves, well . . . they already bought the gun.

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The other day I read that archeological finds in Greece indicate that human sacrifices were common in Greece. I wonder if future archeologists will find that human sacrifices, on the altar of deregulation, were practiced in the US as well?

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Pretty much.

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Wow. Just. Wow.

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Yes it does make a difference. True story. I had an uncle that I never really knew. He died when I was very young. I didn't know until I was an adult that he was decapitated in the workplace accident that killed him. His mother was never told. He went from being an uncle who died tragically to an uncle who haunts my dreams.

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That’s a tiny bit insulting to cats. I have a former stray that did fine surviving on his own. He decided the accommodations were better (particularly drier) if he accepted a more structured living situation, so he adopted us.

He’d be plenty sad if he had to return to the hustle, but he’d survive. I’m pretty sure if I locked a libertarian out of the house for a few days I wouldn’t return to find they’d built a den under someone’s deck and taken up killing the neighborhood fauna for food.

*Please note, I can’t get the mental image of a cold, wet, hungry Gary Johnson wandering around my back yard, yowling and occasionally pawing at the door, out of my mind now.

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It's decapitation. The pictures of the pool filled w/blood were broadcasted.

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And yet a feral Gary Johnson is what would happen with other people.

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Nobody is forcing you to earn income in a state where you do not live, find a job in Missouri if you want or move to Kansas if you would prefer.

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How about some kitty pr0n to lighten the mood?

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They probably wanted to include a "Must Weigh This Much to Ride" warning but got shot down by the liberal PC police being insensitive or offensive.

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Even in a libertarian dominated society it would still be against the law to murder someone, what does the gun industry have to do with that?

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Nothing abnormal about the cool and clear water in central Texas rivers... most people take great care to keep them nice and clean because that is better for revenue from the recreational activities they offer.

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Blood was reported in the US media even before they admitted decapitation.

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Money over safety. Republican values win again.

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