Can the President declare all of Kansas a disaster area?

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"Some of the people, all of the time"

It's a known category.

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But did California pay attention to the JOB CREATORS? I thought not!

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And make them eligible for federal funds? What are you, a Commie?

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When California switched to a "jungle" primary system, where the top two finishers run against each other (instead of the top D and R), the long blockage of Rethuglican constipation in the lege broke, and a warm Brown shower of goodness over all the Golden State resulted.

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You can piss on DWS as much as you want, but she had nothing to do with Pat Fucking Roberts getting re-elected.

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Arizona protests!! We're plenty fucked up, thankyouverymuch. Kansas may have stolen our glory this year, but we'll be back, you betcha. We elected a whole bunch of new teatards, including a new governor who is dumber and more of an ideologue than Jan, the wicked witch of the southwest. We're number 50 in most things, but when it comes to sucking- WE'RE NUMBER ONE (though we tend to stink more like number two)

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