Kobach is living proof that humans are, indeed, descended from apes.

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So, when you were invited to the lynchings in the old South, you went along and even helped string them up, but didn't stay for the hors d'oeuvres and cocktails afterwards, am I right?

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I'm assuming that you revere the Constitution oh so much. well, Bucko, Voting is one of the most fundamental rights enshrined in that document.To deny ANYONE the right to vote, regardless of whether you agree with them or not, is disloyal to the USA.

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You are a fascist turdwhistle.

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Republicans are great at math. They know that young people are predominantly going to vote Democratic.

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Why do you hate the constitution? Why do you hate equality and American values?

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“Every time an alien votes, it cancels out the vote of a U.S. citizen. That’s real disenfranchisement, it’s happening every election and it’s happening in every state,” Kobach said, estimating thousands of non-citizens are on voting rolls in big states with large immigrant populations.

I wasn't aware that Kansas was a state with a large immigrant population. In fact, I thought Kansas was a state with a growth rate around half the US average, strongly implying that nobody's trying to "immigrate" to Kansas.

What "problem" is he trying to solve again?

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That said, I'm highly unimpressed with this from one of the good guys:

Younger voters, who are more likely to register as unaffiliated or Democrats, have a harder time getting the documents needed and have less patience with what has become an unwieldy process, said Michael Smith, a professor at Emporia State University who has studied the Kansas suspense list.

People have died to secure a right to vote in this country. Refusing that generational gift because it's "unwieldy" is disgraceful. If we don't want the process to be unwieldy, and as a "registered vote by mail voter" here in CA I obviously don't, then those who create such unwieldy processes need to be bludgeoned to death with votes.

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I think the logic behind this targeted dis-enfranchisement actually goes something like this -

The US is actually a constitutional republic, not a democracy ... therefore, voting for a Democrat is unconstitutional!

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No Messicuns voting in KKKansas!

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Ooooh! Don't be afeared of us little ole liburals. We only seek to open your narrow minds.

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Oops sorry. This was meant for the idiot below

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If you really cared at all about the United States, you would argue that disallowing ANYONE to vote is antithetical to our principles.

But you don't love America. You love a version of America that never has and never will exist.

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I could tolerate all sorts of terrible things but I could never tolerate living in Kansas.

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Its a great place to live if you enjoy awesome Mexican food (2nd best I've ever had) and driving at felonious velocities. Other than that, a drab and monotonous place that can only be marginally improved with alcohol.

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The catch is they can do anything you can't stop them from doing. That's some catch

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