really? they have no booze?

that explains so very much.

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My local NPR station just ran an interview with the local Texas Education Board candidate. It would be his second term and he's still running on his original platform of returning patriotism to schoolbooks, teaching abstinence-only sexual education and the dangers of having sex, and the many falsities of evolutionary theory.

In 20 years these same people may be throwing acid in the faces of kids trying to attend 'government' schools that teach heresies they oppose.

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Mr. Wu appears highly evolved from his Chinese name. Just sayin.

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When Sam Brownback thinks your a conservative kook, it's time for a reappraisal.

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Finally we know what's the matter with Kansas.

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It figures that the Republicans finally get a non-white guy on their ticket and he’s a 99 on the Wacko-Meter™.

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Bobby Jindal, your move.

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