As a Kansan, all I can say is FINALLY!

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Ta, Dok.

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A high probability that they didn't.

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Animals have more soul than most people I know.

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Hooooraaayyyy for Kansas baby steps towards civilization!

Look all y'all in Kentucky and Mississippi! If Kansas can do it so can you!

LOL! I know that's crazy talk but whatever happened to the admonition to DREAM BIG OR GO HOME!

Welcome Kansas! Glad you could make some effort to lift yourselves up from the muck. If you take one step towards us we'll take two to meet you.


Blue States

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Your avatar, is that a leaf from a Paw Paw tree?

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Indeed. I was lucky I qualified for WyJo Care when I had to be treated about a decade ago. But it was a hassle to use. Better than nothin' I guess, but Medicare for All will be a lot better.

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Unfortunately, I'm still in Kansas... stupid Army.

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"Socialized government run police departments are not the answer for Kansans. Police reform is."

"Socialized government maintained roads are not the answer for Kansans. Private toll booths on every road are."

"Socialized government run fire departments are not the answer for Kansans. Private fire protection is*."

* Remember: 911 hookup is extra!

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And that's why I still consider myself a Californian!

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I have a print by the artist John Lurie called "Of Course Animals Have Souls" Here it is https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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RBB- Make me cry once today shame on me, make me cry twice you must be an angel, not a snake

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Jennifer Love 'Roowitt?

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