"Defenestration" is a pretty word

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again with those Abortionplexes. we should have them on every street corner right next to the taco truck.

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Being able to play the spoons would require some demonstrable talent and rhythm.

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They know their hero is a teetotaler?

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Agreed a fantasy where they are the hero of every story.

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Pretty certain it’s a spoof. There are too many stereotypes in that short clip, and they waited for the camera to roll. It’s a liberal’s interpretation of that stereotype, not the actual thing. I expected more spoons, and also mountains. They are supposed to be hillbillies.

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We voted by mail. Inland red county here...for Newsom. Oh yeah, that old Catholic billionaire (the bear abuser - John Cox). Can't control his own old cock so wanted to glom onto controlling young women's bodies. Defeated!

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Good luck!

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I would have no issue with the crowd becoming violent and tearing their hero and his religious/NRA hucksters apart.

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Dropped off our ballots at a drop box yesterday. Already got the email that it was received and counted. Good, quick work!

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I just finished a shift at the library, then went to the grocery and hardware stores, and NOBODY was carrying a gun in any of those places! I'm also 99.999999% sure that nobody will have a gun when I go back to library later today. Trudeau needs to stop oppressing me!!

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In the coastal states I expect to see medical ships about 8 miles offshore to which people in need of specialized care will be ferried. Day trippers, if you will. Purely by coincidence, almost every last of of those day trippers will be female. They could throw in a few slot machines for authenticity and call it ladies day every day.

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I'm sorry to hear that. :( I don't think you'd need it, but if you want a second set of eyes for proofing your resume let me know.

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yes she was very afraid of pedro.

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Jfc! I'm so sorry Shan

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Here in SunFlow(nOv)er Country the life-loving Legislature (one that still refuses to allow the state to expand Medicaid on the federal dime) made sure this proposed forced-birth constitutional amendment would be on the ballot in the low-turnout primary,. where there are rarely contested Democratic primary races.

Democracy, shlemocracy — they'll do everything to distort the will of the public. One day we'll get the voters educated to what today's GQP is all about.

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