"How I’m anti-Semitic? I just fucked a Jewish bitch.

I just fucked Scooter’s bitch and we ran her like the Olympics.

Got pregnant in the threesome, so who’s baby is it?"

This is American "music," now? Idiotic. Stupid. Inane. Shallow. Garbage.

Yeah, yeah, I know: **shakes fist at cloud**

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Ye refuses to take his meds. Nobody should be listening to Ye. The End.

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Kanye has significant mental illness that he has consistently refused to treat. He has demonstrated erratic behavior for a long time. This does not make him a reliable person and believing anything he says is silly.

Maybe he hopes this apology will convince a judge to let him see his kids.

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I listened to as much of that interview with Alex Jones as Knowledge Fight was willing to give me, and it reminded me most of those stoned philosophical discussions you have when you are twenty, and have just started reading books you have to think about, mixed with a big spoonful of pissed-off at record company execs and lawyers and so forth, some of whom were Jewish.

Nowhere was there any indication that he understood that in this mess of wordplay and teasing Alex and enjoying listening to himself talk there could be consequences to actual human beings - that real people could be really harmed by his nonsense.

I don't know much about his artform so I'm not able to judge how good he is at it, but clearly any gifts he has are in manipulation of words. And my main impression is that somewhere along the line he's lost (if he ever had it) any understanding that words have meaning and power, and are not just toys to play with. And there is complete astonishment that he should be held to account for his words and his actions.

This latest stunt is just more of the same - "Let's do it in Hebrew, that'd be cool, all those little squiggles". None of it is real to him.

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Oh Ye of little faith....

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The apology is authentic because he wrote it in Hebrew! What an absolute ass. It’s a window into how he views the world and people who aren’t exactly like him. If they are different in any way, they are different in every way. All Jews speak and read Hebrew. And Ye speaks their language, so he’s making a true connection. What a confused jackass.

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I guess it depends on who he is apologizing too. I'm not feeling charitable so assume that you are correct and Ye thinks every Jewish person in the world can speak Hebrew. There is a teeeeeensy chance that he's directing his apology to Jewish people in Israel. But probably not. I wonder who translated for him?

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Did not read this article, but thank you Gary. I'm done with that bitch, and it wasn't hard to do.

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Totally repulsive. And I just lost all respect for the ADL.

Like the author (Gary) I’m Jewish. Probably twice as old. Don’t know a word of Hebrew, never been to Israel or wanted to go. Writing that in Hebrew really screams antisemitism. Not even slightly forgivable.

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why is Ye?

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Didn't read. Don't need to. Don't want to. Have had enough ugliness today. Also highly likely will never read posts about this person.

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As I think less about Kanye West, I become a better person.

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I think it’s a perfect, proven mathematical formula. <Ye = >Joy

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Me I just have to wonder how popular KW is here on Wonkette? How many of loyal KW followers are here and really need to know his latest verbage to the innerweb, that they missed, and thank Wonkette for filling in the gap in our lives ? Are our lives better now that we know the latest garbage coming out of KW's mouth? Is it news? Editorial? Lies? I am lost on why we are told again, on KW's shit.

Maybe if him and the pres of Penn got together and settled once and for all, what Free Speech is, what antisemitism is or is not, on live tee vee, that might be news. Get ratings anyway.

They can also cover how important award shows are as well, as I guess KW lost that gig.

Thank you Wonkette for now making my life......well......truth fully, I lost 10 minutes I will never get back.

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Personally, I have nay a shit to give over what to call Mr. "Ye", who he thinks he fucked, or what kind of trash is running 'round in his cerebellum. Now, if he decides to take a flying fuck at a rolling dognut, on film, call me. Otherwise I'm out.

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This isn't A Clockwork Orange, nobody's making you read it.

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So I can take off this goddamned codpiece?

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Codpiece. I thought I’d have to go yet another entire day before someone typed “codpiece.” It made me laugh.

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Codpiece FTFW, my droog.

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Yep. You're right.

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Ye art a churlish canker-blossom.

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I used to feel sorry for him, but now, I just want him to STFU and go away!

(BTW: "Maestro" is a great movie.)

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That was a pretty generic apology. Did he get ChatGPT to write it, then use Google translate? Would Google translate at least be aware that Hebrew reads right top left, so should be right-justified? These, and deeper questions, I refuse to ponder.

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Well, a TMZ staffer ran the "apology" through an AI detector on the website Scribbr, and it "highlighted some strong buzzwords typically associated with chatbot phrases ... including 'sincerely apologize,' 'It was not my intention to hurt' and 'promoting unity'." The results indicated an 85% likelihood that it was AI-generated, rather than written by Kanye (the article noting his apology didn't have his "animated flair" in terms of his use of language) or by another person.

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