It seems to me that Ms. Taylor Greene rightfully ought to be VERY concerned with improving conditions for prison inmates, while she still can.

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Our Town (tm) is experiencing a unique explosion of homelessness. This is not happening anywhere else in the country! It is not a sign of overall economic weakness, but a blight that is being invited to Our Town (tm) because our leaders aren't tough enough and keep trying to help people. If you help poor people, it just attracts more of them. We can't exactly jail all the miscreant poor people, we don't have enough jail space. We could give them a bus pass to the next town, but somehow they keep coming back.

SOMETHING should be done, and it should be tough but fair (but tough) (VERY tough).

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Thank you for posting. I’m glad that A decided to tell her story, and furious and horrified that she had to go through this.

A also makes an important point that folks around here forget sometimes - that while she has the resources to leave Texas, she shouldn’t fucking have to, and she’d be leaving behind the people who don’t have the resources to fight our current Christofascist government.

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When questioned the evangelicals will say maybe God will intercede and deliver two healthy babies but you will never know if you abort one of them. Ignoring, of course, the 99% odds the baby will live less than a week plus endanger the life of the other fetus and the mother if it is not aborted.

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That is what happens with clinical psychology, and clinically adjacent terms unfortunately, they become misused, over used, and then eventually just lose their meaning. Narcissists are also really good at adopting clinical terms and then using them against the people they’re manipulating and abusing, it’s one of the reasons that therapy doesn’t really work well for narcissism.

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A couple beers and they all think they're Hogzilla.

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Back when I was a jail nurse, a pregnant inmate went into labor, so we shackled her up and sent her out. At the ER, the guards unshackled her feet, and she promptly hiked up her giant belly and ran right the fuck out the door! They caught her, of course, and she caught an extra charge for fleeing. Now, obviously, I'm all in favor of better treatment for the incarcerated. But don't think for a second that there won't be pregnant inmates who try to escape the second the shackles are off. Female inmates are much, MUCH sneakier and more brazen than males.

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It's literally designed to be addictive, and its tool for deciding what stuff to feed to users is horrific. Children getting hard porn, pedophiles getting naked babies in the bath. Yay China.

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The pregnancy bill is workable. Congress needs to make sure there’s oversight by the DOJ and funds to provide the extra care.

The reintroduction bill looks like it’ll hit up against the reality of whatever dysfunction exists in states and cities administering federal programs, as well as the need to find more people to provide job training, mental health and addiction mediation services. I don’t think we have enough people in those fields to meet increase demand.

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Yeah. Not Mom's finest hour. Fortunately, my brothers saw them and raised holy hell about it.

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Most likely not

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If you’re too poor to avoid the consequences, you really shouldn’t be criming. Think of it like a yacht or private jet — if you don’t have the money to keep everything working smoothly, the consequences are going to suuuuuuuuck. So in summary and conclusion and whatnot: Be born rich if you want to crime.

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Look, Musk is a goddamn moron, but he can both be an iPhone user AND be angry at Apple. It’s not cognitive dissonance in this case.

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Thank you for the recommendation!

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