She looks more like a politician than him.

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"Partisan" is the new GOP buzzword. Peak projection achieved.

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About the same time Dave & Charlie realized they could have more billions if they didn't have to help pay for those un-Amercian good public schools. Why should everybody have access to a quality education if they can't pay for it themselves?

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They prefer, of course, unilateral (Democratic) disarmament. What was that tweet today from Dolt 45 about hypocrisy?

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Tod Browning, campaign creative director.

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Assume last brain cell dead.

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He was probably an asshole - so many musical geniuses are

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Now that's a little harsh! Lol.

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How is extending voter registration "nakedly partisan"? Are Republicans registered at birth or something, to where only icky Ds need to fill out the forms?

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Yeah, diplomas are totally mailed because they can't know whether or not you failed your final classes in time for the ceremony. You get a piece of cardboard in a fancy case.

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They act like only Democrats are allowed to register.

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It is nakedly partisan because making sure as many people as possible vote is how they lose. Which is why they must defend the rights of their voters to choose for everyone else. That's how democracy works right?

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Hey! I'm not a musical genius!

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not ALL, just... you know... so many.

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Think "progressive" and "politically correct", cause progress and being correct are as unAmerican as one can get!

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Well after all, I'm an asshole. I was just a bit miffed that I am not a musical genius as well.

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