She said she believes in Robin Hood and brotherhoodAnd colors of green and greyAnd all you can do is laugh at her....
Mmmm, strip off your pride, you're acting like a teeny-bopper runaway childAnd scrape off the paint from the face of a little town saintArizona, take off your hobo shoes....
"Arizona", lyrics by Kenny YoungRecorded in 1969 by Mark Lindsay, peaked at #10 on February 1970.
Somebody said, ‘Kari, you’re fearless.’” Sure, we absolutely believe someone said that instead of Lake talking to her reflection in a Vaseline-coated mirror."
And then the big burly former marine with tears in his eyes said "Thank you for fighting for me and my dog Pal."
I figure Fox "News" analyst is her next career move. Like Oz she might not be able to get her old job back, but Fox will feature anybody famous that holds their views.
Then take it from me, a New Yorker who deals with crazy people as part of my daily commute: You keep them in your peripheral vision just in case they pop off. You don't devote all your attention to them, and nobody wants to hear you complain about how crazy the crazy people are.
She's probably too old for him.
Let's call their bluff, fuck them with that dildo, and take the seat.
"Fearless" plays well with her idiot base, who always feel persecuted.
Fade to black......
Rethugs lie and deceive like hell because they know their idiot followers will believe every word.
OUT ------>
Even National Review said it's over, and mocked her.
And rid us of that toad Tom Horne aka horny.
Choice excerpts:
She said she believes in Robin Hood and brotherhoodAnd colors of green and greyAnd all you can do is laugh at her....
Mmmm, strip off your pride, you're acting like a teeny-bopper runaway childAnd scrape off the paint from the face of a little town saintArizona, take off your hobo shoes....
"Arizona", lyrics by Kenny YoungRecorded in 1969 by Mark Lindsay, peaked at #10 on February 1970.
Propaganda 101: Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty of.
Somebody said, ‘Kari, you’re fearless.’” Sure, we absolutely believe someone said that instead of Lake talking to her reflection in a Vaseline-coated mirror."
And then the big burly former marine with tears in his eyes said "Thank you for fighting for me and my dog Pal."
I always get a chuckle out of that "Certificate of Authenticity" business.
I figure Fox "News" analyst is her next career move. Like Oz she might not be able to get her old job back, but Fox will feature anybody famous that holds their views.
Then take it from me, a New Yorker who deals with crazy people as part of my daily commute: You keep them in your peripheral vision just in case they pop off. You don't devote all your attention to them, and nobody wants to hear you complain about how crazy the crazy people are.
Keeping them in peripheral vision is exactly what I'm suggesting.
Spread it around - use it freely. I'm trying to get it to go viral.