coincidentally, i have a small spider hole that needs my attention till early november.

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Basically, Mr. Law said, “how to dislodge voters from him.”

Let me go out on a limb and predict that lying will be a heavily used technique.

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Maybe the unprecedented level of suck will get people to take up their pitchforks and torches (figuratively speaking).

Innuendo has to lose its effectiveness at some point, right?

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Surprise libel !!!1!!

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What is the new message the GOP is going to send? It will be more of the same dribble about Afghanistan, the military, and how the GOP will save us from the black man in the White House. If Sheldon Adelson's $10 million experiment with Newt failed, how is it that Karl with $200 million will make Romney the winner?

This campaign will get ugly. Interestingly, the NYT indicated the GOP believes Obama may have an even bigger financial war chest.

Not to wish any ill will on anyone, but a few natural disasters and some prompt response by FEMA and DHS could be used to show how that shit stain Cantor attempted to withhold Federal Disaster dollars from Joplin, MO after last summer's F5 tornado and how Ohio'd governor turned down the same aid after the floods earlier this year.

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