Yes Karl. The abortion issue is definitely a winner for republicans. Keep up the great work.

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Ta, Robyn.

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They'll never compromise on abortion. When they say, "Life begins at conception," what they mean is, "The soul enters the body at conception."

Every abortion results in a living soul relegated for all eternity to Limbo because God, evidently, doesn't recycle.

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So, if the egg splits into twins, only one gets the soul -- which is why one twin is always evil.

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I never knew the reason for that, but, yeah, that's clearly science.

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That's what's called a dogma of the faith. In the olden days, that meant The Church told you it was something you had to believe. And if you didn't believe, in exactly, precisely the way that The Church prescribed, you were a heretic and would be executed. Usually by burning you at the stake.

My favorite dogma involved the relationship between "God the Father", aka Yahweh or Elohim or whatever, and his "only begotten son, Jesus", nicknamed "The Christ" by Saul/Paul who never met him. But imagined he had. So, was Jesus of the identically same substance (i.e., homoousion) as daddy God, or was he made of a similar substance (i.e., homoiousion)? Be careful! If you get that wrong, you're a heretic, and we will have to kill you in some horribly, awful, painful way. The wrong answer is called the Arian Heresy.

But sometimes the Church makes a mistake, and decides later on you were really OK. Then they just declare you to be a "Saint" and you get canonized. So now all sorts of annoying people can pray to you and ask you to put in a good word with God. This actually happened with Joan of Arc. Her thoughts on her current situation have not been reported.

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They've swallowed a crap-ton of souls then. Did they just commit murder?

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Why is Karl Rove or Newt Gingrich even a thing anymore. They are so long in the tooth that elephants are envious. (An elephant tusk is just a very long tooth),

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They're republican "intellectuals" lol

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They're still on this side of the ground?

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What if Karl Rove is playing the long con, and destroying the GOP from within? (I kid, I kid. Obviously he's just a monstrous person.)

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Just speculating here, but I would have thought that when we saw that last of Shrub in the WH, we would have also heard the last of Ol' Turd Blossom, as well.

I guess I was wrong about that. And not for the first time. Being wrong, I mean.

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"Yeah, except things are a little different now that people have seen enough of what that actually looks like." (sepsis)

This is outstanding, Robyn, because really, who gives a hoot what Karl Rove thinks about anything? And the other topics you wrote about. I agree with you, this policy is working out very well for the GOP and they really NEED to get this on the ballot in every state.

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That image of a post-birth abortion next to Sen. Tuberville is truly shocking. We definitely need to oppose this menace.

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The Pretend To Be Pro Life People do love those stories about killing babies after they have been born, don't they? The more salacious the details they can come up with, the better. Keep them away from all children, please, because they obviously cannot be trusted.

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They think it’s a good distraction away from their, “Let women die of sepsis,” policy.

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I make it a policy not to comment on someone's looks, but I make an exception for plastic surgery. Guilfoyle really needs to rethink the collagen injections

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She's starting to look like a good-looking woman who made a deal with the devil to be a beautiful woman when the bill comes due.

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She's looking more and more like a goldfish these days. A not particularly attractive goldfish.

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That’s collagen? I thought she had stolen Mick Jagger’s lips.

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She should get something for the acute indigestion, instead. That face says "chronic sour stomach" and it's not pretty.

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Resting bitch face!

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She has to keep up with the bubble headed bleach blondes that are younger and prettier.

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It always amazes me that every stupid Republican that hasn't been relevant if fifteen years can apparently get a WSJ or NYT op-ed spot any time they want to

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Both being owned by rightwing billionaire asshats is probably a coincidence.

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but markwayne mullet and his wife would be perfectly ok with blood clots and sepsis; no abortion for them to save the life of the mother (of 6 existing children).

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He's proud of the fact that he would rather have his wife die than have an abortion.

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i know! WTF??? doesn't she even care about herself (and i know there are women who are this extreme, but boy i am not one of them)? what about the kids? sure, she can be replaced, so markwayne could care less, but what about the possibility of an evil stepmother--doesn't the wife care about that? currrrrrrristopher.

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Hope you know a lot of tunes you can whistle, Karl, because that's a big, long graveyard you're going past.

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And if it's the one he or any of his Rethug counterparts are buried in, I intend to make sure it reeks of asparagus piss.

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I would like to piss on his grave, but I would hate to stand in such a long line ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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Good ol' Fart Blossom

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"I say that we give Tuberville this — he stops blocking those promotions so service members can take care of themselves and their families, and we can agree that the Pentagon should not be allowed to use tax dollars to send anyone anywhere to kill anyone who has already been born. Absolutely reasonable request, Sir."

Brilliant, Robyn.

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