Two points to Slytherin!

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Karl Rove can play the basilisk.

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Someone...I don't remember who...asked an audience to comtemplate the airline industry if they advertised in the mode of political ads. "Delta SAYS they have a safe track record...but (cue in menacing music) in fact they had XXX crashes in the last year alone! They lost people's luggage at the rate of 1 piece/ per person! Delta...for those who don't want to survive the flight". You might steer people away from Delta but the net result would be very few people flying and those that did would be mighty nervous and suspicious.

I thought about that analogy a lot over the last month or so. It explains a lot.

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nor were there probably any routine household objects or magically located important tools used in defusing these bombs, nor small children or puppies accidentally in the bomb's trajectory.

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