Maybe she wasn't in public service when the photos were taken.

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Some people will do anything to get to play music . . .

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this raises the 'subjectivity' issue - something that person 1 would call sexual harassment, may not register for person b. This does not negate person 1's reaction, but it does explain why people don't react with the same outrage to the same things. I've had a drunk stranger sidle up to me in a bar, put his arm around my shoulders and stroke my hair. Was I weirded out? Sure. But I would not call that harassment. If he was doing it to a young girl tho, I'd have been over there in a flash. The guys I was out with asked if they needed to speak to him for me, because to them, that was harassment.

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She doesn’t

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Well she resigned.

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If this was a man, this site would be dragging him over the coals. You know it.

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It's only in the paper because she has a (D) after her name and is in a powerful position on a committee investigating impeachment.

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It shouldn't be forgotten that men are vulnerable too. I personally have spent more than eight years dealing with a stalker who posted a copyrighted photo on the Pirate Bay scumbags network and further abused me for sending a DMCA order to remove it. The photo itself wasn't explicit in any way, but the stalker captioned it to portray me as homosexual for his own gratification and linked to it hundreds of times in posts portraying me as a sex offender. Might just see if there's a way to turn the "revenge porn" law on his enablers.

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I hardly recognize him!

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He sent the photos so he's fair game.

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As did the affair with the staffer - it was during her campaign, not while she was in congress, at least the way the serious news sites are reporting it

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Meet people from far away lands and kill them...

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Yes, you are right, totally separate. I think I misread. She did apologize for the relationship with the campaign staffer.

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Illegal and unethical are 2 different things. What she did was unethical and wrong but what her ex did was illegal.

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And why are they sticking them out, all saucy like?

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I don't think anyone faults her for providing context, we know the news outlets certainly are not.

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