correction, tarnished forever until they push their "tell all" book tearfully promoting their conversion to the Christian Right on The 700 Club, Fox News, and a Liberty University convocation

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"Hill was not having 'an affair,' either, as her shitty ex was well aware of the situation."

Wait, what?

So, as long as my wife tells me she's sleeping with somebody else, it's not an affair, it's "polyamory"?

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It is if you've agreed to it. That's the definition of an "open relationship."

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I also designated you a peevish imbecile. If you like, I can easily add vapid ignoramus, impudent cretin, and insufferable, indolent simp.

I am a logophile; I can keep this up all day.

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I'm disappointed that she felt the need to give up so easily.

I'm more disappointed in Pelosi's fast response.

This all feels off - and I'm not happy about it at all.

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But the stench remains.

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She shouldn't have resigned. She should have "yeah, it's me, we had a poly relationship, and now he's using our personal history to malign me. I have nude pics of HIM with our poly partner, but I'm not releasing them. See the difference? Now, I have work to do."

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And it's a growing thing.

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Hill's ex-husband should be made a pariah wherever he goes, like Trump or McConnell. So should Duncan Hunter.

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well, I see Pelosi's fingerprints all 0ver this resignation. Nancy and Hoyer marched Katie to the 50th floor window and gave her the option of jump or get pushed.

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The operative phrase being "if you've agreed to it"; and it's entire possible that "her shitty ex" did so, but Ms. Pennacchia doesn't address that. I don't think she was trying to be deceptive, but her words were somewhat carelessly chosen in this instance.

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So I hear.

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I was born in the summer of '80, so Carter was gone by the time I could walk and talk.

And yeah, there seem to be lots of people who operate under the theory that they can do whatever they want, ask Jesus for forgiveness... and then go back and do it again. Even a Godless agnostic like me knows that's not how any of that works...

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Hill's ex-husband should be tarred, feathered, put in stocks and have rotten fruit and vegetables thrown at him.

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Imma slap the first motherfucker who piously tells me that the answer is don't get nekkid in pictures, ladies.

Because this IS all about being chicks and daring to be sexual and have boobies. As Robyn points out, Duncan Hunter consistently bones ladies on the taxpayer dime. Fucking Joey Saladino has pictures of himself not only wearing a fucking swastika, but also peeing into his own mouth and he's STILL RUNNING FOR CONGRESS and will get WAY too many votes.

Until Duncan Hunter and creepshows like Saladino are similarly catapulted into the sun for how they use their wangs, you'd have to be in heavy denial to ignore the misogyny at work here.

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