Obviously, he is a great father and it would be cruel to rip him away from his daughters.

So, the Senate should oppose his confirmation for the his sake and the sake of his children. After all, isn’t being a father the most important job in the world?

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Stephen, thanks for getting it! (The motherhood stuff)

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Which makes all this talk of Kavanaugh's being a good carpool dad such a bunch of shit. Like anyone on the right GAF.

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As if being a good person in your personal life made one whit of difference to Trump voters.

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Yeah that's right it's all the fault of Bernie Sanders even though the overwhelming majority of people who voted for him in the primaries went on to vote for Clinton. Even though your fucked up electoral system means you can win the popular vote and still lose. Even though PEOPLE VOTED FOR A FUCKING CARTOON HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE.

yeah I'm sure it's all down to a few contrarian never-Clintons and I'm sure that's precisely who you mean and not anyone who suggests that unions and a living wage would be nice

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Not to mention staying at a Holiday Inn Express last night!

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At least the choice is there for the mother to make. "Pro-life" means she's utterly speechless - not to mention helpless - in the matter.

I believe the referendum in Ireland hinged upon this very issue.

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"Give him credit." - Roy Moore

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Not-Melissa McCarthy says what now? From under the wheels of the bus he was thrown under?

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Flashbacks of Nancy Reagan.

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The Hateful Eight.

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Actually, in keeping with the world we live in, Mother Teresa was a terrible person who let people suffer needlessly because she believed this guaranteed their place in Heaven.

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It's okay, they can fix that nowadays.

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Ooh, you tease!

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