Because he doesn't fucking care.

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Is his accent genuine? Or is he aiming to be called "that good Farmer Grassley?" Because when he opens his mouth to say, in his modest Farmer Grassley way, "What do you mean when you say "black people?" or "the lady senator is out of order" I just get a bad bad feeling and want to run to an urban area, even a squalid one. Is it the way he talks or is it the inhumane things he's always saying? I'm from the country too but, not the same as him I guess.

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Jokes on them; Even if Kraven-Hell-Naw gets in, he can be impeached! SCOTUS can get impeached, too. We need to VOTE BLUE this November like gangbusters! The Blue Wave will wash away the Red Tide.

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We've produced more documents than for any previous nominee! You've gotten, like, 500,000 post it notes and receipts and take out menus and grocery lists we found on the floor of his car. We've given you SO MANY documents, but you're NEVER happy. UGH.

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How many times and how many ways can we say it?Dems need to stop taking rocks to a pistol fight. Add two more justice seats. Add DC and Puerto Rico statehoods, add more congressional seats. See them enjoy that potato in their tailpipe. Assholes.

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And back again.

After all, for Trumpians, making sense matters less than getting or doing what they want.

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We see what happened with Merrick Garland.

We see what's happening now with Kavanaugh.

We see that Trumpians are fucking scum who want power and are determined to get it any way they can, fuck the laws and procedures and shit.

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shots to the head, go away.

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I mentioned in the other Kavanaugh thread that "protected by constitutional privilege" is some bullshit, since "executive privilege" exists nowhere in the Constitution, but, also, too:

Isn't the whole House case for impeachment of Rod Rosenstein predicated on the DOJ not producing every single document Devin Nunes and the other Republicans on his committee asked for, in a timely fashion and in pure, unredacted form?

No matter what, always and forever, IOKIYAR.

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FlownΩver volunteers for quality control duty.

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They'd be encouraging it as a distraction.

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Martin Shkrelli libelz!

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It's not this mess that will kill us off - it's that this mess will prevent us from dealing with the problems that will kill us off. Global warming with its unpredictable weather, extreme storms; drier, hotter, and longer droughts; flooding of all coastal cites; ocean death with its extinction of food sources and toxic gas production; loss of forests; expanding range for pests and plagues; and countries, then individuals, fighting for dwindling resources.

But we have a president who runs the country like a failing gambling casino.

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