It is indeed a finch. A rosefinch I think. Ive never seen one in person but I want to they are so cute.

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I have AT&T which I loathe and was thinking of switching to Spectrum. With this clusterfuck merger in play, and a probable SCOTUS judge only having corporate profits for a heart, I don’t need to waste my time and can loathe them both while getting hosed. Yay for us all. :P

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Tell the dimwits - on both sides of the aisle, to be fair - who are trying to mandate law enforcement backdoors on Apple mobile devices.

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You use website revenue to put food on your familiy? It’s much more nutritious to put it in your family. Then again, we say that we get on a play when we actually get in it. So who am I to judge modern vernacular?

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Thanks for the suggestion. Enjoyed walking about Havana, also Buena Vista Social Club in particular (Jazz fan). Also lots of excellent coffee and rum.

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We may be forced to go back to paper

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Ted Cruz porn? Thanks a bunch Shy, I just puked in my mouth😖

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The law may be mutable, but the Congress cannot make a law that violates the Constitution pursuant to a holding of the Supreme Court. It is sheer nonsense to believe in this polarized climate that a change in the Constitution can be effected, particularly when the method for its change is so tortuous. The method by which change has occurred in the past is that the Constitution, when understood to be a document which offers a plethora of rights, is interpreted in that way. Attempting to go back to the time of adoption is a fool's game, not only because it is difficult to understand the motives for enacting the Constitution at the time of adoption, and the writers' words do not necessarily give meaning to their motives, but also because some developments, inventions and societal changes had not yet occurred. If you want to see the Constitution reduced to a relic from the past, the best thing to do is not allow it to expand as society changes. The idea that the Constitution must be strictly constructed, if held to be true, would condemn us to a life of deprivation and misery.

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Someone named "Covfefe" being sarcasmic? INCONCEIVABLE!

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I prefer xvideos, but that is mostly out of laziness. I've started to get bored so thanks for reminding me I have lots of options!

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When someone walks into you office and tells you “it’s not about the money, it’s the principle,” it’s about the money.

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The 'current model' was never that good to begin with.

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So why is mine always missing the comics section?

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Why is everypony so upset? I'm sure the Ministry of Truth would NEVER say or do anything against our own best interests.

ETA: Hey, that's not what I wrote!

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It depends on where you eat, we had some wonderful meals in Havana. If you go on your own and want to do different tours and pay for them from here you could use these people, we booked two tours with them and they were both awesome.


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