I would like to direct every reporter to Leigh Sales interview with Sarah Fuckabee. (If I knew how to link it , I would) It was beautiful, she did not let Aunt Lydia get away with her lying bullshit. Every reporter needs to do that to Kay-lie.

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This is what I've concluded Drumpf has really been trying to do: Set up an immoral equivalency between his refusal to acknowledge the outcome of the popular vote and Dems who are tired of the threat of having it overridden by Electoral College technicalities.

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Donnie has helpfully built walls around the WH that we can use to line all these bastards up against.

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While this is a horrifying scenario, this crap has been overcovered enough. When Trump loses, he will not stay. And whining about it doesn't change anything AT THIS TIME. Find a different story topic, Evan.

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Weaselwords, what are they?


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Yelling at the hootenanny is always fun.

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If Comrade Drumpf is so concerned about.mail-in ballots, why did HE vote by mail? I really wish some intrepid reporter (Lois Lane? Jimmy Olsen?) would ask him that.

Also, too: he voted early.

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